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Wednesday, January 24, 2018

What Is the Church Order of Dort and how Does It Maintain Real Gospel?

A church’s polity is important. This is where the rubber of faith and confession hit the road of life and practice. In churches with a Dutch Reformed background, the Synod of Dort is not only known for producing the Canons of Dort against Arminianism but also the Church Order of Dort against (Dutch) Erastianism. Dort polity is much appreciated by us Reformed folk as it brings to expression the real gospel of being united to Christ and his body, and being free in Christ and his body. My speech will begin by outlining the development of polity in The Netherlands from the 1560s to 1619. Next I intend to pay attention to some particulars: the role of the offices and congregation, confessional subscription, regulations regarding worship, and the relationship between local churches. This latter point will also be compared to the situation in other Reformed polities, and the presentation will close with a brief overview of the implementation of Dort polity in the centuries after the Synod of Dort.

To view the handout that goes with this video please see here.