Theodore G. Van Raalte

Professor of Ecclesiology
B.A., McMaster University, 1995
M.Div., Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary, 1999
M.A. (Theol. Studies), Providence Theological Seminary, 2010
Ph.D., Calvin Theological Seminary, 2013
Dr. Van Raalte is professor of Ecclesiology, prior to which he served as a pastor for eleven years. He completed a Ph.D. at Calvin Theological Seminary in historical theology, focussing on Antoine de Chandieu's (1534-1591) clear presentation of Reformed theology by the use of scholastic method.
Select Bibliography
Dissertation and Thesis
- “Antoine de Chandieu (1534-1591): One of the Fathers of Reformed Scholasticism?” Ph. D. diss., (Calvin Theological Seminary, 2013).
- “Early Reformed Spirituality: The Prayers of Guillaume Farel (1489-1565).” M.A. thesis: (Providence Theological Seminary, 2010).
- Antoine de Chandieu (1534–1591): The Silver Horn of Geneva’s Reformed Triumvirate (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018).
- As You See the Day Approaching: Reformed Perspectives on the Last Things. Edited by Theodore G. Van Raalte. (Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2016).
- The Bond of the Covenant Within the Bounds of the Confessions: A Conversation Between the URCNA and CANRC. Edited by John A. Bouwers and Theodore G. Van Raalte. (St. Catharines, ON: Church Unity Publications, 2015).
- Early French Reform: Guillaume Farel’s Theology and Spirituality. Co-authored with Jason Zuidema. (Surrey, England: Ashgate, 2011).
- Resource Package on Church Planting and Neighbourhood Bible Studies. Edited by Kresha Faber and Ted Van Raalte. (Surrey, BC: privately published, 2011).
Articles And Essays
- "Guillaume Farel’s Trinitarian Prayers,” in ed. M. Klauber, The Theology of Early French Protestantism: From the Affair of the Placards to the Edict of Nantes (Grand Rapids: Reformation Heritage Books, 2023), 127–51.
- "Antoine de Chandieu’s Quiet Opposition to the Jesuits,” in ed. M. Klauber, The Theology of Early French Protestantism: From the Affair of the Placards to the Edict of Nantes (Grand Rapids: Reformation Heritage Books, 2023), 257–81.
- “Apostle of the Alps: Guillaume Farel and the Reforming of Geneva,” in Brill Companion to the Reformation in Geneva, ed. Jon Balserak and Andrew Spicer (Leiden: Brill, 2021), 51–74.
- “Compelling Each Other: Beza’s Response to John Hay as Part of the Genevan’s Anti-Jesuit Efforts in the 1580s,” in ed. Scott Manetsch and Kirk Summers, Theodore Beza at 500. New Perspectives on an Old Reformer (Göttingen: Vandenhoek & Ruprecht, 2020), 263–82.
- "Father Abraham: One-Hundred Year Retrospect," in Clarion 69:22 (Oct 30, 2020), 591–5.
- "Self-Deception and the Apologetic of Despair in Pascal, Kierkegaard, and Bahnsen" in Unio Cum Christo 6:1 (April 2020): 99-115.
- ’I have sought to move all to pray . . . to this good Father, by the Lord Jesus, in the power of the Holy Spirit’: Farel, Caroli, Calvin, and Farel’s Trinitarian Prayers,” in Calvin Theological Journal 54:2 (Fall 2019), 301–324.
- “Section 8: Advice on Theological Training,” (ed.) in Early Sessions of the Synod of Dort (Acta et Documenta Synodi Nationalis Dordrechtanae, vol. 2 (Göttingen: Vandenhoek & Ruprecht, 2018), 168–97.
- “Tulips, Roses, or Bacon?” Clarion 67:8 (April 20, 2018), 207–208.
- Farel, Guilluame. Encyclopedia of Renaissance Philosophy, ed. Marco Sgarbi. Cham: Springer, 2019.
- “On the Consistory Bench: Practice Preaching of the Proposans and Proponenten in the Reformed Churches of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries,” in Mid-America Journal of Theology 28 (2017), 43–66.
- “Sola Scriptura: Anarchy?” Clarion 66:21 (Oct 20, 2017), 590–92.
- “Send us Wood,” Clarion 66:20 (Oct 6, 2017), 550–52.
- “Eschatology, or Doctrine concerning the End Times,” in As You See the Day Approaching: Reformed Perspectives on the Last Things, ed. Theodore G. Van Raalte (Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2016), pp. 1–19.“In Between and Intermediate: My Soul in Heaven’s Glory,” in As You See the Day Approaching: Reformed Perspectives on the Last Things, ed.Theodore G. Van Raalte (Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2016), pp. 70–111.
- “Another Wax Nose? Accommodation in Divine Revelation,” in Correctly Handling the Word of Truth: Reformed Hermeneutics Today, ed. Mees te Velde and Gerhard H. Visscher (Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2014), pp. 226–51.
- "The French Reformed Synods of the Seventeenth Century,” in The Theology of the French Reformed Churches: From Henri IV to the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes, ed. Martin Klauber (Grand Rapids, MI: Reformation Heritage Books, 2014), pp. 57–97.
- “François Lambert d’Avignon (c. 1487-1536): Early Ecclesial Reform and Training for the Ministry at Marburg,” in Church and School in Early Modern Protestantism: Studies in Honor of Richard A. Muller on the Maturation of a Theological Tradition, eds Jordan J. Ballor, David S. Sytsma, and Jason Zuidema (Leiden: Brill, 2013), pp. 81–96.
- “Noster Theophilus”: The Fictitious “Printer” Whose Anti-Jesuit Volumes Issued from Various Presses in Geneva between 1580 and 1589,” Bibliothèque d'Humanisme et Renaissance 74:3 (2012), pp. 569–91.
- “The Puritans and Paedobaptism,” [co-authored with Mark Jones] ch. 45 in A Puritan Theology: Doctrine for Life, by Joel Beeke and Mark Jones (Grand Rapids, MI: Reformation Heritage Books, 2012), pp. 725–41.
- “Unleavened Morality? Herman Bavinck on Natural Law,” in Five Studies in the Thought of Herman Bavinck, a Creator of Modern Dutch Theology, ed. John Bolt (Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen, 2011), pp. 57–99.
- “For The Greater Good: Christian Philosophical and Theological Responses to The Problem of Evil,” in La Revue Farel 5 (2010): 81–96.
- “Guillaume Farel’s Spirituality: Leading in Prayer,” in Westminster Theological Journal 70:2 (Fall 2008): 277–302.
- “The Most Illustrious Illustration of our Free Election – Calvin and Augustine on Christ’s Election,” in Koinonia 20:2 (Fall 2003): 15–40.
For a complete bibliography and curriculum vitae, see here.