Community Borrowers
Borrowing Privileges
Guests or members of the community may use the library during regular business hours, Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.
A library card may be requested by members of the community. Presentation of valid identification (current photo ID such as a driver's licence) will be required to obtain a library card and only those possessing a library card will be allowed to sign out material. CRTS reserves the right to revoke a library card in the event of lost items, failure to return books when overdue, damaged items, or other inappropriate actions or activities. Borrowers agree to reimburse the library for any lost or damaged items they have borrowed, when accepting and using their library card.
Loan Period
A loan period for guests is 25 days for circulating items with one renewal.
Non-Circulating Items
Items from the reference, reserve and special collections, as well as periodicals, do not circulate. The library also reserves the right to exclude from circulation other items as necessary, from time to time.
Access to Electronic Resources
Access to electronic resources is governed by the vendor's licensing agreement. Contact the librarian at CRTS for further information about specific resources.