Arjan de Visser

Arjan de Visser

Professor of Ministry and Mission



Th. Drs., Theological University of Kampen, 1987
Th. D., Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, South Africa, 2001

Dr. de Visser served as professor of Ministry and Mission for nineteen years, prior to which he served as a missionary in South Africa for fifteen years. He completed a Th.D. at Potschefstroom University in missiological studies.


Select Bibliography

  • Kyrios and Morena. The Lordship of Christ and African Township Christianity. Th.D. diss. Potchefstroom, 2001.
Articles and Essays
  • "Een Schilder Reader in het Engels." Weerklank 10, no. 7 (2022): 19-20.
  • "Overcoming Racism in Post-Apartheid South Africa." Clarion 71, no. 9 (2022): 258-260.
  • "An Attractive Church" in Worship Matters, Cornelis Van Dam, 273-279. Hamilton: Lucerna CRTS Publications, 2021. 
  • "Schillebeeckx and Schilder." Clarion 69, no. 16 (2020): 427-429.
  • Psalms 23-32 in Christ’s Psalms, Our Psalms: Study Resource, ed. P. Holtvlüwer, 302-409. Winnipeg: Reformed Perspective Press, 2020.
  • Newbigin's Missionary Ecclesiology." Unio Cum Christo 6, no. 1 (April 2020), 229-235.
  • "The Pastoral Training Program: Training Through Practical Experience" in Your Word Is Our Light: Celebrating Fifty Years of the Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary, ed. Cornelis Van Dam and Jason Van Vliet, 260-275. Hamilton: Lucerna CRTS Publications, 2019.
  • Review of “40 Favorite Hymns on the Christian Life.” Clarion 68, no. 18 (2019): 524-525.
  • “Impressions from a Visit to the Dutch Churches.” Clarion 68, no. 15 (2019): 431-433.
  • "Preach like TED?: Could preachers learn something from the Way TED Talks are Delivered?" Clarion 67, no. 16 (2018): 431-433.
  • “Redemptive-historical preaching today.” Clarion 67, nos. 2, 3, 4, 5 (2018): 35-37, 59-61, 86-88, 119-120.
  • "Een proefschrift over kinderen aan het avondmaal." Nader Bekeken 26, no.7/8 (2019): 216-217.
  • Psalms 23-32 in Christ’s Psalms, Our Psalms: Daily Meditations, ed. P. Holtvlüwer, 47-64. Vineland: LittleAngels Press, 2018.
  • Until He Comes: Eschatological Aspects of the Reformed Worship Service” in As You See the Day Approaching: Reformed Perspectives on the Last Things, ed. Theodore G. Van Raalte, 143-158. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2016.
  • "Musical Instruments in the Worship Service." Clarion 64, no. 2, 3 (2015): 37-40, 66-68.
  • “Wisdom re. Adding Hymns.” Clarion 63, no. 16 (2014): 402-404.
  • “Nelson Mandela 1918-2013.” Clarion 63, no. 1 (2014): 7-9.
  • "Tim Keller's Center Church: an Evaluation." Clarion 62, no. 19, 20 (2013): 450-453, 476-479.
  • "The Mission of God by Christopher Wright." Clarion 62, nos. 15, 16, 17 (2013): 360-361, 384-385, 404-406.
  • “A New Pope.” Clarion 62, no. 8 (2013): 202-205.
  • "The Genevan Psalter: 450 Years." Clarion 61, no. 13 (2012): 332-334.
  • "Foreign Mission by the Local Church." In Living Waters from Ancient Springs: Essays in Honour of Cornelis Van Dam, ed. J. Van Vliet, 220-233. Eugene: Pickwick Publications, 2011.
  • "Tracing Guido de Bres in Doornik." Clarion 60, no. 22 (2011): 523-525.
  • "Schilder's Views regarding the Reformed Psalter and Hymnary." Clarion 59, no. 9 (2010): 229-230, Clarion 59, no. 10 (2010): 254-255.
  • "Church Music in Calvin's Tradition." Clarion 58, no. 23 (2009): 568-570; Clarion 58, no. 24 (2009): 589-591; Clarion 58, YrEnd (2009): 621-623.
  • "Evangelism according to the Scriptures." Clarion 58, no. 1 (2009): 8-10; Clarion 58, no. 2 (2009): 34-36; Clarion 58, no. 3 (2009): 58-60.
  • "The Character of the Afternoon Service," Clarion 56, no. 13 (2007): 310-312.
  • "The Lordship of Christ in the Life of the Believer." In Proceedings of the ICRC 2005, 139-160. Neerlandia: Inheritance Publications, 2006.