Interlibrary Loans
The library at CRTS provides interlibrary services for its faculty and students, as well as other libraries wishing to use CRTS's library resources.
Services for Students and Faculty of CRTS
CRTS students and faculty who require material which is not available from the library may contact the librarian and request an interlibrary loan. Whenever the library at CRTS is invoiced by the lending library of the item, the invoice cost will be payable to CRTS by the person requesting the interlibrary loan.
Services for Other Libraries
The library at CRTS participates in interlibrary loans. CRTS does not use OCLC for interlibrary loans, although its holdings may be found on OCLC. The CRTS library is listed in the Directory of the Archives and National Library of Canada.
Canadian Library symbol: OHTR
OCLC symbol: THZ
Monographs may be borrowed by other libraries for three weeks, with no renewals. Serials, special collections (rare books other material designated as special collections), as well as reserves and non-circulating commentary sets will not be sent out.
Loans are $7 per item and photocopy charges are $7.00 minimum (includes 20 pages), $0.15 for each additional page. An invoice will be sent with the item.
Please direct interlibrary loan requests to the Librarian:
Margaret Alkema
phone: 905-575-3688 ext. 28
fax: 905-575-0799