Welcome from the Principal
Welcome to our website, the online presence of the Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary. For nearly five decades it has been our joyful privilege to focus on training future pastors and missionaries who proclaim the gospel in all its gracious and glorious fullness.
In a certain sense, the Latin words in our logo say it all: lucerna mea verbum tuum, your Word is my lamp. These words are taken from Psalm 119:105, and they form the basis of everything we do here at CRTS. As our Statement of Institutional Purpose explains, God’s infallible Word is the light that illumines and directs all of our instruction, mentoring, research, and writing.
Our main program is the accredited Master of Divinity degree. This program trains future preachers to understand God’s Word deeply, communicate it effectively, and radiate it joyfully. To this end, the program includes a combination of in-class instruction, personal spiritual formation, and practical experience opportunities.
In addition to the Master of Divinity program, we also offer a Bachelor of Theology and Diploma of Theological Studies. These programs prepare and equip students who are not seeking ordination but still desire to serve within the church, perhaps in areas such as mission aid or education.
Please take some time to browse our website. You will not only find information related to our academic programs, but also numerous resources, both in written and video formats. Also, feel free to look at what our library has to offer. If you’re in the area, you’re welcome to stop by for a visit. Join us for coffee (10:30 sharp!), enjoy our library, or tour our building. We’d be glad to show you around.
Finally, we sincerely ask for your prayers. The apostle Paul spoke about entrusting faithful men with the task of teaching others to be trustworthy and effective heralds of salvation in Christ (2 Tim. 2:2). That is a great responsibility, and we are acutely aware that we cannot do it in our own strength. May our gracious and sovereign God bless this seminary in order that we may radiate the light of His Word in this world.
In our Risen Lord Jesus Christ,
Dr. Jason Van Vliet