What's New
Student Profiles 2025
It’s my privilege as Dean of Students at CRTS to present to you the students who will be graduating this year. We are grateful to God for each of them and praise him for...
ViewUpdate and Prayer Request January 2025
Brothers and sisters in the Lord, Our Risen and Ascended Lord Jesus Christ has brought us into 2025—one year closer to his return and the glorious new heavens and new...
ViewHoliday Closure
The CRTS building, including the library, will be closed from Monday, December 23 through Friday, January 3 for our annual Christmas holiday closure. The administrative office...
ViewPrayer Requests - December 2024
Dear brothers and sisters, as I type these words Psalm 106:1 comes to mind, "Praise the LORD! Oh give thanks to the LORD, for he is good." Here at CRTS we can certainly affirm...
ViewProspective Student Campus Visit Day - Nov 8, 2024
On Friday, November 8, 2024 CRTS welcomes all prospective students for a campus visit day. Please see here...
ViewPrayer Request - Sept 2024
As we begin the 2024-25 academic year, we ask you to join us in prayer to our Lord, both with thankfulness and petition. Here are some particular items to bring before God's...
ViewConvocation 2024 - September 6, 2024
You are invited to attend our 2024 convocation evening celebrating God's faithfulness in enabling us to commence a new academic year. The program will take place, D.V., Friday...
ViewSummer Closure 2024
The seminary building, including the administrative office and library, will be closed from July 15 through August 6, 2024. We will reopen at 8:30 am on Tuesday, August 7.
ViewUpdate and Prayer Requests - June 2024
Our faithful heavenly Father guided the 2023-24 academic year to a close in the beginning of May. As faculty and staff busied themselves with final marking and year-end...
ViewStudent Profiles 2024
It’s my privilege as Dean of Students at CRTS to present to you the students who will be graduating this year. It’s a special joy for me to do that because we all...
ViewPrayer Requests and Update - April 2024
Here at CRTS the end of the current academic year is in sight. Lectures will be wrapping up soon enough. Exams are just around the corner. We can certainly reflect on the...
ViewJanuary 2024 Interim Semester Lectures Now Available
From January 9-11, 2024, a series of lectures was held at CRTS focussing on preaching. The videos for those lectures can be found here...
ViewHoliday Closure
The CRTS building, including the library, will be closed from Friday, December 22 through Friday, January 5 for our annual Christmas holiday closure. The administrative office...
ViewMerry Christmas 2023
From everyone here in the CRTS community, we sincerely wish you and your loved ones the Lord’s blessings this Christmas season. Together let us give all praise to him...
ViewPrayer Requests - December 2023
Dear supporting community of CRTS, We are turning the corner and heading into the homestretch of our Fall 2023 semester, the first one back in our renovated building. On so...
View2023 CRTS Conference Videos
Videos of the speeches from the CRTS conference have been made available. Please see here.
ViewConvocation - Friday Sept 8
The Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary invites you to the annual Convocation, to be held on Friday September 8, 2023, at 8:00 pm., at Redeemer University in Ancaster. ...
ViewCRTS Update & Prayer Requests - September 2023
A new academic year in our newly renovated building! We are deeply thankful and very excited to welcome our new and returning students into our building for another year of...
ViewCRTS Open House
Under the Lord's blessing, the renovation of the lower level of our seminary is complete. Once again, a sincere thank-you to everyone who contributed to make this possible. As...
ViewIn Memoriam – Nicolaas Hendrik Gootjes (1948-2023)
On Sunday, August 20, 2023, the LORD took Prof. Nicolaas (Niek) Gootjes from this life and into eternal glory. He was 75 years old. As our former Professor of...
View2023 Conference: Christ Lives in Us
Registration Deadline - August 26 The conference, titled "Christ Lives in Us: Witness and Worship" will take place September 8-9, 2023. Registration closes August 26....
ViewPrayer Request and Update - June 2023
Under the Lord's blessing, the 2022-23 academic year has wrapped up. All the sermons, research papers, and exams have been marked. The focus now shifts to summer internships, a...
ViewPrayer Request and Update - April 2023
Dear supporters of CRTS, Recently, on Good Friday and Easter Sunday, we commemorated the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. These special occasions also refocus...
ViewStudent Profiles 2023
The academic year 2022-23 at CRTS is rapidly progressing to the finish line at the end of April. With the end of the second semester in sight we also have the...
ViewDonation Information
If you would like to make a year-end donation to CRTS, CRTS is currently collecting funds for the Foreign Student Bursary and for the Partnership in the Gospel campaign...
ViewMerry Christmas 2022
From everyone here in the CRTS community, we sincerely wish you and your loved ones the Lord’s blessings this Christmas season. Together let us give all praise to him...
ViewHoliday Closure December 2022
The seminary building, including the library and admin office, will be closed for Christmas holidays from December 19 through January 2. The office and library will reopen at...
ViewPrayer Requests - Dec 2022
Dear supporting community of CRTS, As I type these words the regular classes for this semester are winding down and we are all gearing up for exams. Yes, semesters do fly by...
ViewPrayer Request - September 2022
Dear supporting community, The start of the 2022-23 academic year is just around the corner. As we step forward again in preparing students for service in Christ's kingdom, we...
ViewCRTS Convocation Evening 2022
The Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary invites you to the annual Convocation, to be held on Friday September 9, 2022, at 8:00 pm., at Redeemer University in Ancaster. ...
ViewCRTS Building Closure - July 2022
The CRTS building (inlcuding the library and admin office) will be closed on July 18 through August 8 for the annual summer closure. We will reopen with regular business hours of...
View2023 Conference Announcement
CRTS is pleased to announce the return of the CRTS Conference. The next conference will take place, the Lord willing, Thursday, September 8, 2023. Plese stay tuned for more...
ViewCRTS Building Closure - June 20 to July 3
The seminary building will be closed from June 20 to July 3 for abatement/construction purposes. There will be no admittance into the building or library besides construction...
ViewSummer 2022 Update and Prayer Request
Now that the academic year is completed and most of the students have left town for summer assignments, the usual kind of quiet has descended on the seminary. There are not many...
ViewStudent Profiles: Introducing Bryan Vanderhorst
Hello! I’m Bryan Vanderhorst and this is my wonderful wife Paige (nee Van Delft) and our children, Zoe (5) and Jesse (3). We are thankful to our God and Father for leading...
ViewStudent Profiles: Introducing Anson van Delden
Hi! I’m Anson van Delden and this is my wife and best friend, Rachel, and our two children, Kaya (9) and Joash (7).To read Anson's full profile, click here...
ViewStudent Profiles: Introducing Tim vanBeek
Greetings! I'm Tim, and this is my wife Emma together with our children Arielle (5), Judah (3) and Caius (1). Four years ago, we traded the Manitoban plains for Hamilton...
ViewSchilder Reader Book Launch: May 10
Please join us on Tuesday, May 10 at 8pm at the Cornerstone Canadian Reformed Church at 353 Stone Church Rd E., Hamilton for the launch of the Klaas Schilder Reader. Livestream...
ViewStudent Profiles: Introducing Dathan Pleiter
Hello everyone! My name is Dathan Pleiter, and this is my lovely wife and friend, Katrina (nee Wanders). I am a fourth-year seminary student at the Canadian Reformed Theological...
ViewStudent Profiles: Introducing Rodney denBoer
G'day! My name is Rodney den Boer. As I reflect on four years of CRTS training, it stands out that God has been exceedingly good to me. I'm grateful and excited (though a little...
ViewStudent Profiles: Introducing Tsjibbe deJong
As another academic year winds down at CRTS, students are shifting their attention to the summer activities. Many are heading out on internships. Some are looking forward to...
ViewPrayer Request - April 2022
Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, The end of the current academic year is in sight. Lectures are almost done. Exams are just around the corner. Students will soon be...
ViewConsidering the Ministry Events
With the help of local ministers, CRTS is planning "Considering the Ministry" events for prospective students across the country. Alberta: Friday April 22 from 4:30 to 8pm at...
ViewWorship Matters by Dr. VanDam
A new book, Worship Matters, by Dr. C. VanDam is now available for purchase. Limited copies are available at the seminary for $25 (pick-up only - please contact Leanne...
ViewHoliday Closure 2021
The CRTS building, including the library, will be closed from Monday, December 20 through Friday, December 31 for our annual Christmas holiday closure. The administrative office...
ViewPrayer Request - Dec 2021
Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, The celebration of our Saviour’s birth and the beginning of a New Year are fast approaching. Here at CRTS we have much to be...
ViewCRTS Partnership in the Gospel Campaign
The CRTS Partnership in the Gospel Campaign is going strong. We hope, the Lord willing, to raise one million dollars by Dec 31, 2021. Will you partner with us in in updating...
ViewConference 2022 Cancelled
We regret to inform you that we have had to make the difficult decision to cancel our upcoming conference “Stand Firm: Identity, Sexuality, and Gender in Biblical...
ViewCRTS Update & Prayer Request - October 2021
With just over thirty students enrolled at our seminary, we have welcomed within our walls the largest group in the history of our seminary. And yes, we are back in the...
ViewConvocation 2021
CRTS is still planning for it's annual convocation on Friday, September 10. However, due to Covid-19 restrictions, the convocation this year will be by invitation only. At the...
ViewSummer Closure 2021
The CRTS building (inlcuding the library and admin office) will be closed on July 19 through August 9 for the annual summer closure. We will reopen with regular business hours of...
ViewCRTS Update and Prayer Request – July 2021
The calendar has already been turned to July. With deep and sincere thankfulness to the Lord, we note that COVID regulations are becoming less restrictive throughout Canada,...
ViewJune Update
Although CRTS is in summer mode, it does not mean that the professors and students are on vacation. While the students are mostly involved in internships this summer, the...
ViewPrayer Request - April 2021
Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord Jesus Christ, Here at CRTS we remain very thankful for your ongoing support in so many different ways. We also ask for your ongoing...
ViewStudent Profiles: Introducing Timothy Veenstra
Hi, I am Tim Veenstra, and this is my wife Kristen and our son Ezra. It's hard to believe that I am just about done seminary. Looking back it is clear that God has graciously...
ViewCRTS Building Closed to Guests
During this time of Covid-19, the CRTS building (including the library) remains closed to students and visitors. Please contact Leanne...
ViewStudent Profiles: Introducing Kevin Star
Hi, I'm Kevin Star - I'm excited to be in the final stage of my seminary journey and look forward to whatever the Lord has in store for me. To read Kevin's full profile, click...
ViewStudent Profiles: Introducing Ruurd Offringa
Hello! My name is Ruurd Offringa. My wife and I moved to Hamilton from Australia so I could complete training for the ministry. Our time in Hamilton has been full of blessings,...
ViewStudent Profiles: Introducing Kim Lapiz
Mabuhay! My name is Kim Javier Lapiz and it has been a blessing for me to be at CRTS. Everything contributes to shaping and sharpening me for the Ministry. Even my simple...
ViewStudent Profiles: Introducing Raoul Kingma
Here at CRTS the academic year is racing toward the finish line at the end of April. This year we anticipate having five graduates: four from our MDiv program and one from our...
ViewCRTS Building Closure
During this time of province-wide lockdown, the CRTS building (including the library) remains closed to students and visitors. Please contact Leanne...
ViewChristmas Office Closure 2020
The CRTS building, including the library, will be closed from Monday, December 21 through Friday, January 1 for our annual Christmas holiday closure. The administrative office...
ViewUpdate and Prayer Requests from CRTS – Christmas 2020
Please be assured that, by the grace and kindness of our God, we are doing well here at our seminary. We are entering the exam period of our Fall 2020 semester, which has...
ViewCRTS Convocation 2020
CRTS is still planning for it's annual convocation on Friday, September 11. However, after consulting with the Hamilton Public Health Unit we learned that graduation ceremonies...
ViewUpdate and Prayer Request - September 2020
Brothers and sisters in the Lord, Last year at this time I wrote about the special 50 th anniversary year that our seminary was celebrating. Little did any of us know that...
ViewCRTS Summer Closure
The CRTS building, including the library and administrative office, will be closed from Monday, July 20 through Monday, August 10. Regular office/library hours of 8:30 to 4:30...
ViewUpdate: Fall Semester and COVID-19
To: the supporting community of CRTS Dear brothers and sisters, Greetings from the faculty and staff of CRTS. We pray that your summer is being blessed. Some of our regular...
ViewSummer Update and Prayer Request
Update and Prayer Request – June 2020 Academic Year 2019-2020. What a year it was! It will certainly go down in the history books as a most memorable one. It began...
ViewIntroducing Daniel Shin
Hi I am Daniel Shin, it's hard to believe that I am already almost done seminary! Looking back, God has graciously blessed me through these four years in the seminary...
ViewIntroducing Aidan Plug
Hi! I’m Aidan Plug, and I would like to introduce my lovely wife Claire and our children, Austin and Pierre. We’ve been incredibly blessed to have spent the past four...
ViewIntroducing Kelvin Dekker
Hello. My name is Kelvin Dekker, husband to Amy (nee Houweling), father to Abigail, Nathaniel and Theodore and student at the Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary. Amy and I...
ViewEaster Message and Prayer Request
Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you. 1...
ViewIn Memoriam – Jakob Geertsema (1935-2020)
“Blessed is the man who makes the LORD his trust” (Ps 40:5). On Tuesday, March 31, 2020, the LORD took Prof. Jakob Geertsema from this life and into eternal...
ViewCOVID-19 Update
The CRTS building remains closed to visitors and CRTS students continue to learn and participate in lectures and class discussions via online technology. Even chapel and prayer...
ViewCOVID-19: Update and Prayer Request from CRTS
Dear brothers and sisters, Life in our world has changed. The Lord and Giver of life has not changed. The coronavirus, or COVID-19, has dominated our...
ViewCOVID-19 and CRTS's Response
CRTS has taken measures in the past weeks to ensure it is in compliance with the guidelines that the public health authorities are providing for COVID-19 and it has been in...
ViewConference 2020 Videos Now Available
The videos of the speeches from the 2020 CRMA/CRTS Conference "Discipling the Nations: Reformed Perspectives on World Mission" are now available online. Please see here...
ViewChildren and the Church: “Do not Hinder Them” Book Now Available
Do you really know why your children and the children of the church should be baptized? Do you know what difference that makes? These questions and...
ViewCRTS Conference Evening Lectures, January 16-17: Discipling the Nations
Everything is ready to go for the annual CRTS Conference, but we want to ensure that everyone knows that they are invited to our two free evening lectures, both beginning at 8PM...
ViewMerry Christmas from CRTS!
“And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High”...
ViewChristmas Holiday Closure
The CRTS building, including the library, will be closed from Monday, December 23 through Friday, January 3 for our annual Christmas holiday closure. The administrative office...
ViewATS Evaluation March 2020
The Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary is hosting a comprehensive evaluation visit for reaffirmation of accreditation by the ATS Commission on Accrediting on March 23-26,...
ViewCRTS Campus Visit Day
On Friday, October 18, the Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary invites all prospective students to visit the Seminary for the day. Participants will sit in on classes and...
ViewReflecting with Gratitude – Our 50th Anniversary
Just over two weeks ago CRTS formally celebrated its golden anniversary with a special convocation and an open house. Many of you came out to join in the festivities. ...
View50th Anniversary Convocation and Open House Reminder
The Lord willing, we will be...
ViewFall Update and Prayer Requests
Brothers and sisters in the Lord, Here at CRTS we are about to begin a very special, indeed historic, year. Our gracious, faithful, and sovereign Lord has blessed our...
ViewCommemorative book now available for order!
The 50th anniversary commemorative book Your Word is Our Light is now available for order! Please see here for more information and to place your order today...
View50th Anniversary and Convocation
With great thankfulness to our faithful Lord, the Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary invites you to join us in celebrating our fiftieth anniversary. Our anniversary...
ViewUpdate and Prayer Request
With summer upon us, the seminary building is rather quiet these days. You will find our staff, a few professors, and one or two students in the building but that is about it....
ViewPrayer Request
Tomorrow five of our students will be undergoing classis examinations with a view to eligibility for call. Chauncey Knegt, Eric Onderwater, Jeremy Segstro and Mark ten...
ViewEnd of the 2018-2019 Academic Year
We are so thankful that the Lord has granted another successful academic year at CRTS! Last week marked the end of the 2018-2019 year. We pray that the Lord will be with the...
ViewUpdate and Prayer Requests
Here at CRTS the semester is rapidly coming to a close. As I pen these words, there are just a few days left of classes and then two weeks of exams after that. As we...
ViewStudent Profile: Introducing Nathan Zekveld
Hey! I'm Nathan Zekveld and I have my wife Ashley here beside me. We are headed into the final stage of seminary and I have attempted to write up a profile. You can read it by...
ViewStudent Profile: Introducing Mark ten Haaf
Hello all! I'm Mark ten Haaf, and I'm pleased to introduce the rest of my family to you. This is my lovely wife Stephanie, and these are our children: Jaiva, Bauer, Creed,...
ViewStudent Profile: Introducing Jeremy Segstro
Hello all! My name is Jeremy Segstro and I am eagerly anticipating presenting myself before classis, the Lord willing, this upcoming June to be eligible for a call to serve...
ViewStudent Profile: Introducing Eric Onderwater
Hello, greetings from me, Eric Onderwater, from my wife Lisa, and from our four children, Hudson (4), Eva (2), Ruby (1) and Pippa (5 mos). We’ve enjoyed the last four...
ViewStudent Profile: Introducing Chauncey Knegt
Hi! I’m Chauncey, and this is my dear wife Emily. Both of us are eagerly counting down the days as my seminary studies draw to a close. We look forward to serving our Lord...
ViewProfile Update: Candidate Cody Swaving
After spending a year as an intern at Smithville Canadian Reformed Church, graduate Cody Swaving is now available for call. Please click here...
ViewCRTS Conference Videos
The videos from the 2019 CRTS Conference "Do not Hinder Them: Children and the Church" are now online. Click here...
View50th Anniversary Year of CRTS
The year was 1969. The date was Wednesday, September 10. The location was the Central Presbyterian Church in downtown Hamilton. The attendance was estimated to...
ViewStay in Touch with CRTS
Want to stay in touch with CRTS and get updates right to your inbox? Follow us on Facebook, sign up for the RSS feed or join our email list. More information and instructions can...
ViewNew CRTS Publication – Growing in the Gospel: Sound Doctrine for Daily Living
Are you part of a Bible study group that is looking for new material to work with next season? Are you an office bearer who would like to gain a deeper understanding of...
ViewGrowing in the Gospel
Do you want to delve into the riches of the gospel more deeply… and live out of them more consistently? In this three-volume set Jason Van Vliet explores the central...
ViewQuickstart Guide to our New Website
Welcome to our new website! It has a lot of new features and improvements and we'd like to take you on a quick tour. Please explore the items described below. ...