Prayer Request - April 2021
Friday, April 16, 2021

Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord Jesus Christ,
Here at CRTS we remain very thankful for your ongoing support in so many different ways. We also ask for your ongoing prayers. It has been a challenging semester. We have been conducting our classes online-only, then back on campus, and then back to online-only. In the middle of February Dr. Van Raalte was injured and unable to teach his courses for the rest of the semester. And now we are in the midst of the third wave of COVID here in Ontario. Yet, through it all we have been sustained by our faithful, almighty, and gracious “God of all comfort” (2 Cor 1:3). He has been our Guide each day again (Ps 48:14), and we truly experience that. At this time we ask for your prayers for the following matters:
- Thankfulness to our Father in heaven for the very significant recovery that he has given to Dr. Van Raalte so far. Further recovery is still needed, but we can be truly thankful for how well he is doing. Please pray for full recovery.
- Petition to the Lord to bless our students through the exams at CRTS and then, for a good number of them, classis exams as well. Especially for our graduating students please ask the Lord of the church would guide their path and bless their plans.
- Petition to the Lord for ongoing stamina for faculty and staff. For them, as for us all, dealing with the circumstances of COVID has caused extra fatigue. May the Lord give extra strength.