Web Resources, Full-text Sites, Indices and Study Tools
Librarian's Web Picks Beyond the Library
Please note: these sites have been compiled for the benefit of the library users of CRTS. Inclusion on this list does not imply endorsement or verification for accuracy.
- Google Book Search
- Voilà: Holdings of Canadian Libraries
- Open WorldCat: Find Books Around the World and Near You
Full Text Theological and Religious Studies Journals and Books Available on the Internet
- Biblical Studies - a UK site hosting or linking to numerous digitized journals
- Early English Books Online (EEBO) - via Text Creation Partnership
- Eighteenth Century Collections - via Text Creation Partnership
- Eikon: a Journal for Biblical Anthropology - from the Coucil of Biblical Manhood and Womanhood
- Evangelical Quarterly - volumes 1-89, although not every article is included
- Evangelical Review of Theology - from volume 1 to current
- Journal for the Evangelical Study of the Old Testament - all issues are full-text and freely available
- JURN - searches across many university full-text repositories, finds articles, books,etc.
- Open Access Digital Theological Library - virtual library for theology, religious studies, and related disciplines
- Princeton's Theological Commons – more than 80,000 books on theology and religion
- Religious Studies Web Guide
- Reformed Faith & Practice - open access journal from Reformed Theological Seminary
- Theological Journals Search
- Tyndale Bulletin - online access from vol. 17, 1966 and on
- University Library of Regensburg - collates hundreds of full-text journals, many of which are open-access and includes both North American and European journals
- Virtual Theological Library Project - includes books, commentaries, open access journals, etc.
- Worldcat OIAster – OAIster includes more than 30 million records representing digital resources from more than 1,500 contributors.
- ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials – Requires Authentication
- Christian Study Library – Reformed articles, many full-text from a variety of publications. A ministry project from South Africa.
- Biblindex - Index of Biblical Quotations and Allusions in Early Christian Literature
- Creation Research Abstracts Database
- Index to Calvin Theological Journal, Outlook, and numerous CRC publications.
- Index theologicus (IxTheo) – 630 international theological journals are indexed and updated nightly! This index is very current and indexes material since 1984.
- Index to Una Sancta, a Free Reformed Church of Australia magazine - created by the librarian at the John Calvin Christian College. Please ask the CRTS librarian for assistance as it requires a login.
Bible Tools
- Bible -- Original Language editions (e.g. BHS, Septuagint, Greek (NA28), etc.
- Bible Hub via BibleSprout - free online commentaries (e.g. Meyer's NT; ICC NT, etc.)
- Blue Letter Bible – 14 searchable versions of the Bible, commentaries, lexicons, charts, timelines and over 2700 hymns linked to Bible passages
- Bible Tool - an open source tool by Crosswire Bible Society, SBL, and the American Bible Society
- Commentary ranking at Bestcommentaries.com
- Open Access Bible Commentaries - a Google custom search
- Step Bible - free reliable Bible tools (translations, commentaries, etc.) by Tyndale House
- Baker's Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology – edited by Walter A. Elwell, 1996.
- International Standard Bible Encyclopedia – 1915 edition
Church History
- Bavinck - Herman Bavinck's bibliography - with PDFs
- Biographical Dictionary of Dutch Protestantism - six volume set known as Biografisch Lexicon voor de Geschiedenis van het Nederlandse Protestantisme
- Edwards - Jonathan Edward's works
- Heidelberg Catechism – History, editions, sermons, etc., sponsored by CRTS
- Heidelberg Catechism, History, Sources & Literature–Faculty of Divinity, Leiden
- John Calvin's Works
- Kuyper - Abraham Kuyper's bibliography & archive (with images and/or PDFs)
- Luther Collection
- Medieval Sourcebook
- Migne’s Patrologia Graeca and Latina
- Post-Reformation Digital Library – includes thousands of documents from many authors, including John Calvin
- Reformation and Revolt in the Low Countries: Documents and Sources
- Reformational Publishing Program – Digitization Project including works by Dooyeweerd, Kuyper, Schilder, Veldkamp, etc.
- "Vrijmaking" or Liberation of 1944 in the Reformed Churches of the Netherlands (Gereformeerde Kerken in Nederland (Vrijgemaakt) - 1,700 brochures written during that time
- Works of George Whitefield
- Zwingliana – including full-text journal
Church Polity
- Acts of CRCNA
- A Manual of Church Government by Peter Borgdorff (2016). Note: latest edition that is free online; reviews synod decisions made regarding each article of the Christian Reformed church order.
- Reformed Church Polity–A Dutch site, but with international church orders
Dead Sea Scrolls & Early Manuscripts
- Codex Sinaiticus
- Codex Vaticanus
- Digital Dead Sea Scrolls
- Leon Levy Digital Dead Sea Scrolls Library
- Orion Center for the Study of the Dead Sea Scrolls and Associated Literature
- Ethics in Brief – from the Kirby Laing Institute for Christian Ethics
- Globethics.net – Global Digital Ethics Library
Evangelism Web Sites
Geography of the Bible
- Bible Geocoding
- Bible maps - interactive - click on a place and read the relevant history, etc.
Language Tools
- 2LetterLookup – Tyndale House's Lexicon Lookup Tool
- Institute of Biblical Greek
- Book of Praise: Anglo-Genevan Psalter
- Hymnary.org – index of 5,155 hymnals & 1,098,769 published hymns, with scores, media, etc.
New Testament Studies and Tools
- Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts
- e-Catena – Compiled Allusions to the NT in the Ante-Nicene Fathers
- New Testament Exegesis Bibliography - Denver Seminary
- New Testament Gateway
- New Testament Virtual Manuscript Room – scholars contribute research to manuscripts - sign in for free for better functionality
- Perseus Digital Library - focus on the written corpus from the Greco-Roman world
Old Testament Studies and Tools
- Annotated Old Testament Bibliography - from Denver Seminary
Religion: Comparative and World
- ARDA – Association of Religion Data Archive
- Websites on Religion - a list curated by Atla