Student Profiles: Introducing Tsjibbe deJong
Friday, April 22, 2022

As another academic year winds down at CRTS, students are shifting their attention to the summer activities. Many are heading out on internships. Some are looking forward to reconnecting with family and friends. Others are lining up some summer work. And, with thankfulness to the Lord, we note that six of our students are graduating this year.
All six graduates intend to present themselves to classis to become eligible for call, four of them immediately and two of them after helping in local congregations. However, it is far better that they introduce themselves and explain their plans. Over the next couple of weeks, we will introduce them one at a time. Today we start with Tsjibbe deJong.
Hello there! I’m Tsjibbe (“Chibba”) deJong. This is my wife, Kara, and our children, Zoe and Isaac. The four years of seminary have passed quickly, but as we stand on the verge of whatever paths our good Father has set for our feet, we look forward eagerly, being sure that his ways are good and his paths, though sometimes difficult, are paths well worth taking.
To read Tsjibbe's full profile, click here.