Fall Update and Prayer Requests
Friday, August 30, 2019

Brothers and sisters in the Lord,
Here at CRTS we are about to begin a very special, indeed historic, year. Our gracious, faithful, and sovereign Lord has blessed our seminary for the past five decades and this year we celebrate our 50th anniversary. This is being done with a special convocation, an open house, and the publication of a new book. All the details can be found on our website at www.canadianreformedseminary.ca/50.html. Allow me to highlight the publication of Your Word is Our Light: Celebrating Fifty Years of The Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary. This hardcover book contains 450 pages that will connect you with the past and present of CRTS, and it includes lots of pictures. You can order your copy by clicking here.
At convocation on Sept 6, 2019 at Redeemer University College, beginning at 8PM, we look forward to rejoicing in the Lord’s goodness to our seven graduates, six from the MDiv program and one with a BTh. Providentially, we also welcome seven new students, six into the MDiv program and one into the BTh. This keeps our student body steady at 24.
In 2019 there have been two events for prospective students, one in January in Hamilton, ON and one in June in Perth, WA. The combined attendance at these events was well over 50 men who expressed interest in possibly studying for the ministry. Even if the Lord does not lead all of them to pursue theological studies, we have every reason to thank the Lord for the interest he has cultivated in their hearts.
As we begin our new academic year, we respectfully ask your prayers for a number of things:
- May all of the 50th anniversary celebrations give all glory, honour and praise to our God rather than boasting in ourselves.
- Praise and thank the Lord for cultivating interest in the hearts of a significant number of young men to study for the ministry.
- Thank the Lord for seven new students, including international students who received the required study permits from the government.
- Pray that our God would give all the students, staff, and professors at CRTS everything they need to study his Word, which is the light on our path, joyfully and fruitfully, also when we face the challenges of this life.
We remain ever so thankful for your dedication to and support of the seminary.