Update and Prayer Request January 2025
Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Brothers and sisters in the Lord,
Our Risen and Ascended Lord Jesus Christ has brought us into 2025—one year closer to his return and the glorious new heavens and new earth! The seminary community here at CRTS wishes you and your loved ones the blessings of our heavenly Father. Please continue to remember us in your prayers.
- We are now in the season of receiving applications for the 2025-2026 academic year. For more details please look here. Please ask the Head of the Church to continue working in the hearts of men to consider and prepare for seminary en route to serving him in gospel ministry. We are also thankful that last November we had a Campus Visit Day with about twenty guests who learned more about preparing for the ministry.
- We welcome Dr. Van Raalte back to the lectern after his sabbatical. May the Lord bless his teaching in the new semester. Dr. Smith will be going off on sabbatical. May the Lord grant him some well-deserved rest and good progress on his project in writing a commentary on the Septuagint (Greek) translation of some of the Psalms.
- We reflect back with gratitude on the two-week January interim semester that has just wrapped up. We were blessed with gifted speakers who covered everything from spiritual warfare against demonic forces to the joys and challenges of global mission work to the dangers of the digital age... and many other topics. Everyone walked away enriched.
- Please also ask that the Spirit of our Saviour would guide all of our students in the upcoming semester but particularly our fourth-year students who are wrapping up their studies, considering their future, and anticipating classical exams to become eligible for calls from the churches.
We continue to be thankful for all the support of our brothers and sisters in Christ throughout Canada and around the globe.
Dr. Jason Van Vliet (principal)