Prayer Request - September 2022
Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Dear supporting community,
The start of the 2022-23 academic year is just around the corner. As we step forward again in preparing students for service in Christ's kingdom, we sincerely ask you to keep the following matters in your public and personal prayers.
- We praise the LORD for seven new students in our MDiv program, one new student in our BTh program, and three new students visiting from Korea for one year of studies with us. This brings our total student body to 34 for this year.
- We are grateful for various kinds of summer internships that our current students could be involved in during the summer months. It is a highlight for them, and we pray that also the congregations and mission fields where they served have been blessed through them.
- With much thankfulness we can report that the renovations to the lower level of our seminary building have begun. For more details see here. We anticipate this project being completed toward the end of December. During the Fall Semester our lectures will take place at the Maranatha Free Reformed Church, which is close to the seminary and has facilities that suit our needs very well. We thank this congregation for the generous way in which they are accommodating us. Please pray that the renovations will be completed on time and that the semester will go well, even though seminary life will be spread out over two buildings.
We look forward to Convocation on Friday September 9, 2022, at 8:00 pm., at Redeemer University. Six students will be graduating. Please pray for them as the Lord takes them forward into the ministry of the holy gospel.
We remain thankful for all your prayerful and financial support. We regularly thank our heavenly Father for the many blessings of having a federational seminary.