Prayer Request - April 2022
Monday, April 11, 2022

Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord,
The end of the current academic year is in sight. Lectures are almost done. Exams are just around the corner. Students will soon be heading out for summer assignments. As we reflect on how things have been this year, we can testify that the Lord has been very good to us. With Psalm 68:19, we can testify that the Lord has carried our burdens daily. We also remain thankful for the ongoing support of the church community in so many ways and we continue to covet your prayers. Here is a short list of things that come to mind:
- We thank the Lord that as seminary community we came through the Covid-pandemic relatively unscathed, without any major interruptions, and in good harmony.
- We do not stop thanking the Lord that Dr. Van Raalte, after his snowmobile accident last year, has continued to recover and that he was able to teach most of his courses this semester.
- We are thankful that the recent fundraising campaign resulted in over 1.2 million dollars being raised for the renovation of the lower level of the seminary building. If everything works out the way we hope, the project will be finished by the end of the summer. Please join us in praying for the Lord’s blessing on this project.
- Please also join us in praying that the Lord would bless our students through the exams at CRTS (April 19-29) and then, for a good number of them, classis exams as well. Especially for our graduating students, please ask the Lord to bless their plans and guide their path.
- As we reflect on the needs of the churches and the world, we thank the Lord that the number of students has increased in recent years, but we continue to pray that the Lord would call more young men to the ministry. Please pray for the Lord’s blessings on prospective student events that are being organized in Alberta (Apr 22), Ontario (Apr 23), and Manitoba (Apr 29).