Student Profiles: Introducing Raoul Kingma
Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Here at CRTS the academic year is racing toward the finish line at the end of April. This year we anticipate having five graduates: four from our MDiv program and one from our BTh program. We pray that the Lord will bless each of them as they prepare for the future that he has in store for them.
Here is a brief overview of their plans. One of the MDiv students, Ruurd Offringa has asked to be examined by classis at the beginning of June to become eligible for calls from the churches. One MDiv student, Timothy Veenstra, is taking an opportunity to do a six-month internship before going to classis, and another student, Kevin Star, is looking for a similar opportunity. Raoul Kingma has prayerfully decided not to enter pastoral ministry at this present time. Kim Lapiz, who is finishing up the BTh program, will continue his ministry in the Philippines. But who better to explain all the details than these men themselves? We’ll present them to you in alphabetical order, and we hope you enjoy them!
First up is Raoul Kingma.
Hi! I’m Raoul Kingma and this is my wife Sara and our three boys, Rory, Matthias, and Owen. Four years of seminary have flown by! As we look ahead to life after seminary, we continue to look to our Father to provide in whatever comes next.
Click here to read his profile.