Update and Prayer Requests - June 2024

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

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Our faithful heavenly Father guided the 2023-24 academic year to a close in the beginning of May.  As faculty and staff busied themselves with final marking and year-end meetings, many students were off to classis for examinations and service in local congregations and mission work.  Below are some details. Please include them in your public and private prayers.

  • Please ask the Lord's blessing on the following eleven students who are involved in Pastoral and Preaching Internships: Hongdi Chen (Attercliffe), Reese Gaillard (Ancaster), Josh Schouten (Winnipeg), Adrian Tams (Edmonton), Quentin VanderMeulen (Guelph), Jonatan Boon (Smithers), Klaas Cho (Toronto), Noah Holtvlüwer (Aldergrove), Jarrell Lemos (Owen Sound), Arjan Vandermeer (Pretoria), Marco van Renssen (Flamborough).

  • Please also ask for the Lord's guidance and blessing on the eight students participating in Mission Internships: Mitchell Bosveld (URCNA, Mexico), Hongdi Chen (Quebec), Reese Gaillard (Niagara Falls), Todd Linde (Prince George), Josh Schouten (Niverville), Fred Struik (Hamilton - Streetlight), Marc Vermeulen (Prince George), Klaas Cho (Toronto).
  • Five of our graduating students have gone, or will soon go, to classis to become eligible for call: Jacob Baijal, Taylor Bredenhof, Josh Peters, Zach Vanderploeg, Tony Zheng. The news sections of the websites of the CanRC and FRCA are the places to find the latest on exam results and calls. Two other graduating students, brs. Jakob Mars and Kevin Wattel, are serving congregations for a number of months before seeking eligibility for call. Please pray for the Lord's blessing and wisdom as our graduates find their way in service to our King in his church. More about our graduates can be found in their profiles.
  •  For the rest, faculty, students, and staff continue their work through the summer in various ways and capacities. Everyone also hopes to enjoy some rest as well.

  • With thankfulness to the Lord we can report that we expect eight new MDiv students in the coming academic year and one part-time Diploma student.

Those are the main updates for now.  With students receiving permission to speak an edifying word or becoming eligible for call, our popular Preaching Availability page will be updated regularly.  If your church is looking for pulpit supply or to call a new candidate, please check that webpage from time to time.