Prayer Requests - December 2024
Monday, December 2, 2024

Dear brothers and sisters, as I type these words Psalm 106:1 comes to mind, "Praise the LORD! Oh give thanks to the LORD, for he is good." Here at CRTS we can certainly affirm the truth of this verse. The first semester of our 2024-25 academic year is into the final stretch, exams are just around the corner and a Christmas break is on the horizon. Please join us in bringing these matters before our heavenly Father in prayer:
- We are thankful for the way that our 31 students have settled into the year, including our eight new freshmen students in the MDiv program and one new BTh student. Several of our new students came with spouses and children. Finding their way in a new location, new congregations, and new routines should not be underestimated. But our God has been good to them. New relationships are being forged, and they have tackled their studies with vigour.
- We also express gratitude that Dr. Ted Van Raalte continues to recover well from his heart surgery and, once his planned sabbatical is finished in January, he will return to a full teaching load in the second semester. Let us pray that our gracious God continues to give him and his family all that they need.
- Tomorrow (Dec 3) the two-week exam period begins. Please pray that our students will receive wisdom and insight, as well as physical health and stamina to work through this intense time of the year.
- Finally, we look forward to our potluck lunch together as CRTS community on Dec 13 and then a time of rest for everyone. It will be a welcome break! Please join us in asking the Lord for his blessing over this time of recharging and also reconnecting with family and friends.
We continue to appreciate your interest in our seminary. Many brothers and sisters speak positively of the manner in which students are leading worship services in their local churches. We remain truly grateful for the consistent financial support as well. May our LORD continue to use this seminary to send forth the light of his gospel into our hearts and into his world.
In Christ, Dr. Jason Van Vliet (principal)