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Displaying all results for Author 'Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary'
10 Result(s)
Convocation 2024
The 2024 convocation evening celebrating God's faithfulness took place on Friday September 6, 2024, at 8pm in the auditorium of Redeemer University. Dr. Reuben Bredenhof gave his inaugural address entitled "The Preacher's Progress"and seven students received their MDiv degree.
Convocation 2023
The 54th Anniversary Meeting and the 49th Convocation held Friday September 8, 2023, at Redeemer University in Ancaster. Dr. Arjan deVisser, who is retiring as professor of Ministry and Mission, gave his address entitled “Enlarge the Place of Your Tent, do not hold back”: Reflections on the missional calling of the Canadian Reformed Church. During this evening Dr. Reuben Bredenhof was installed as the new professor of Ministry and Mission. Six students graduated with the Master of Divinity degree: Faustin Emadjeu, Caleb Kos, Timothy Slaa, Matthais Schat, Mark VanderLinde and Adam Werkman.
Convocation 2022
The 53rd anniversary meeting and 48th convocation of the Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary held on Friday September 9, 2022, at 8:00 pm., at Redeemer University in Ancaster. Featuring an address by Dr. Jason Van Vliet, professor of Dogmatics, who will be giving a speech entitled “Why Lord? When God’s Providence does not make sense”.
Convocation 2021
The 52nd anniversary meeting and 47th convocation of the Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary. Featuring the inaugural address "Christ (and) the True Temple" by Dr. W. denHollander.
Convocation 2020
The 51st anniversary meeting and 46th convocation of the Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary. Featuring the keynote address "Grace and Peace" by retiring faculty member, Dr. G. H. Visscher, and the installation of new faculty member, Dr. W. denHollander.
CRTS Convocation 2019
The 50th anniversary meeting and 45th convocation of the Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary.
CRTS Convocation 2017
The 48th Anniversary and 43rd Convocation of the Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary. The keynote address "The Year of Jubilee" was given by Dr. J. Smith.
Convocation 2016
The 47th Anniversary Meeting and 42nd Convocation of the Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary.
CRTS Convocation 2015
The 46th Anniversary Meeting and 41st Convocation of the Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary.
CRTS Convocation 2014
45th Anniversary Meeting and 40th Convocation of the Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary. Dr. Van Raalte's keynote speech was "The Reason for Our Hope: Christ in our Apologetics." It begins at the 24 min 39 s mark in the video.