Estimated Cost of Living while attending CRTS

The below chart shows the estimated living costs for a student in the M.Div. program at CRTS.

The numbers are only estimates and will be different for each situation. They are meant to be a general guideline only and not to be taken as exact figures. All figures are in Canadian dollars and are based on 12 months. Please do your own research in addition to reviewing these figures.

Single Person Married with Children
CRTS Tuition (M.Div.) 3,000 / 3,500 3,000 / 3,500
CRTS Books 800 800
Housing/Utilities 12,000* 30,000
Content Insurance 500 500
Transportation - Gas, Car Maintenance 4,000 6,200
Vehicle Insurance 2,000 2,400
Vehicle Insurance - International Student 4,500 5,000
Bus Pass 800 1,600
Clothing 600 1,000
Food 4,800 9,600
Elementary Christian  School Tuition 0 12,000
Entertainment 600 1,800
Medical Insurance for International Students 1,000 2,500-3,000
Medical/Dental not covered by insurance 500 1,600
Miscellaneous 2,000 4,000

*single person housing budget assumes the student will be splitting rent with a roommate. If the student is living alone, rent may increase.