Preaching Availability


Our professors regularly preach in churches in Ontario.  Upon invitation, they also travel farther away for preaching and speaking engagements.  If you wish to contact them about either a preaching or speaking engagement, please send them an email by using the links below.

Dr. R. Bredenhof email
Dr. W. denHollander email
Dr. A.J. de Visser email
Dr. J. Smith email
Dr. T. Van Raalte email
Dr. J. Van Vliet email
Dr. G.H. Visscher email


Students may receive preaching consent (or licensure) after year two or three and are also available to lead worship services.  If you wish to contact a student for pulpit supply, you can send him an email by using the links below. The student's year of study is indicated in brackets behind his name.

Students with consent from the Canadian Reformed Churches

Jacob Baijal (completed Y4) email
Jonatan Boon (completed Y2) email
Damon Bosveld (completed Y3) email
Mitchell Bosveld (completed Y3) email
Taylor Bredenhof (completed Y4) email
Hongdi Chen (completed Y3) email
Klaas Cho (completed Y2) email
Reese Gaillard (completed Y3) email
Noah Holtvlüwer (completed Y2) email
Jarrell Lemos (completed Y2) email
Todd Linde (completed Y3) email
Josh Peters (completed Y4) email
Josh Schouten (completed Y3) email
Fred Struik (completed Y3) email
Adrian Tams (completed Y3) email
Quentin Vandermeulen (completed Y3) email
Zach Vanderploeg (completed Y4) email
Marco van Rensssen (completed Y2) email
Marc Vermeulen (completed Y3) email


Recent graduates of CRTS, who have received preaching consent (or licensure), are also available to lead worship services.  If you wish to contact a graduate for pulpit supply, you can send them an email by using the links below.

Graduates with consent from the Canadian Reformed Churches

Adam Werkman  email

This page will keep up-to-date records of the status of all students up to the point at which they enter the ministry.