Gerhard H. Visscher

Emeritus Professor of New Testament, 2020.
B.A., McMaster University, 1975;
M.Div., Theological College of Canadian Reformed Churches, 1979;
Th.Drs., Theological University of Kampen, 1992;
Ph.D., McMaster University, 2008.
Dr. Visscher became the professor of New Testament in 2001, after serving as a pastor to various churches for 22 years. He has completed a Ph.D. at McMaster University in Pauline studies, focussing on the New Perspective on Paul. He retired from CRTS in 2020.
Select Bibliography
Dissertation and Thesis
- Romans 4 and the New Perspective on Paul: Faith Embraces the Promise. (Publication version of the dissertation.) New York: Peter Lang, 2009.
- Abraham, Faith, and Works: the Role of Romans 4 in the Discussion concerning the New Perspective on Paul. Ph.D. dissertation, McMaster University, Hamilton, 2008.
- The Son of David. Th.Drs. thesis, Theological University, Kampen, 1991.
- Children and the Church: “Do not Hinder them.” Edited by William den Hollander and Gerhard H. Visscher. Hamilton: Lucerna CRTS Publications, 2019.
- Correctly Handling the Word of Truth: Reformed Hermeneutics Today. Edited by M. te Velde and G. H. Visscher. Eugene: Wipf and Stock & Lucerna - CRTS Publications, 2014.
Articles and Essays
- "From 9.11 to COVID-19," Clarion 69, Year End (2020): 691-695.
- "Grace and Peace: Keynote Address at Convocation 2020," Clarion 69, no. 21 (2020): 318-20.
- "Living in the Light of Grace: Paul, Grace and Conflict" Clarion 69, no. 8 (2020): 223-225; Clarion 69, no. 9 (2020): 256-259.
- “'Do not Hinder Them': Children in the Gospels" in Children and the Church: “Do not Hinder Them,” ed. William den Hollander and Gerhard H. Visscher, 1-10. Hamilton: Lucerna CRTS Publications, 2019.
- “Peter, Paul, and the Promises of God to the Children of Believers" in Children and the Church: “Do not Hinder Them,” ed. William den Hollander and Gerhard H. Visscher, 31-44. Hamilton: Lucerna CRTS Publications, 2019.
- "The ATS Accreditation of the Seminary" in Your Word Is Our Light: Celebrating Fifty Years of the Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary, ed. Cornelis Van Dam and Jason Van Vliet, 372-399. Hamilton: Lucerna CRTS Publications, 2019.
- "Is Grace Alive and Well among Us?" Clarion 66, no. 11 (2017): 318-20.
- “A New Earth?" in As You See the Day Approaching, ed. Theodore G. Van Raalte,134-142. Hamilton: Lucerna CRTS Publications, 2016.
- "The New Perspective on Abraham?" Unio Cum Christo 2, no. 1 (2016): 39-66.
- "Response to Dr. Hans Burger," (re "N. T. Wright on Justification") Lux Mundi (September 2015): 21.
- "N. T. Wright on Justification," Lux Mundi (June 2015): 12 - 14.
- “1 Timothy 2:12-15: Is Paul’s Injunction about Women still Valid?” in Correctly Handling the Word of Truth: Reformed Hermeneutics Today, ed. M. te Velde and G. H. Visscher, 142-155, 168-70. Eugene: Wipf and Stock & Lucerna - CRTS Publications, 2014.
- “Should sisters vote for Officebearers?” Clarion 63, no.10 (2014): 251-253; Clarion 63, no.11 (2014): 275-278; Clarion 63, no.12 (2014): 302-304; Clarion 63, no.18 (2014): 477-480.
- “ ‘Connected Preaching’ and Theological Education” Clarion 63, no. 3 (2014): 62-68.
- “Beginning Well in the Ministry,” Clarion 62, no. 23 (2013): 555-560.
- “How Reliable is the New Testament,” Clarion 62, no. 18 (2013): 432-434.
- "Fall of Human Beings," Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception, ed. H. J. Klauck. New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2012.
- "The Epistle of James: Justification or Sanctification?" In Living Waters from Ancient Springs: Essays in Honour of Cornelis Van Dam, ed. J. Van Vliet, 102-116. Eugene: Pickwick Publications, 2011.
- “ ‘Let’s just be friends for now’: A personal assessment of the new CanRC-URC Relationship,” Clarion 59, no. 18 (2010): 465-470.
- “URCNA Questions about the CanRC,” by G. H. Visscher and J. P. Van Vliet, Clarion, 59, no. 8 (2010): 203-208.
- "How Should the Pulpit Address the Pew? Some Lessons from Paul" Clarion 55, no. 23 (2006): 557-561. (Cf. Lux Mundi 26, no. 1 (2007): 2-6.
- “Lord’s Supper: Cause for Division?” Clarion 54, no. 1 (2005): 2-4.
- "The Purpose of Romans and the Unity of the People of God," Koinonia 20 no.2 (2003) : 2- 14.
- "So what does separate the Sheep from the Goats? A Closer Look at a Misunderstood Parable (Matthew 25:31-46)" Clarion 51, no. 21 (2002) : 501-503.
- Review of The Library of Qumran: On the Essenes, Qumran, John the Baptist, and Jesus," by Hartmut Stegeman. Westminster Theological Journal 61, no. 2 (1999): 280-282.
- "New Views Regarding Legalism and Exclusivism in Judaism: Is there a Need to Reinterpret Paul?" Koinonia 18 no.2 (1999) : 15-42. See
- "The Attraction of Evangelicalism." In The Challenge of Being Reformed Today, ed. J. Mulder, 1-21, 29-57. Winnipeg: Premier, 1999.
- "Toronto Blessing or Temples of the Holy Spirit?" Clarion 44, no. 11 (1995): 253-256.
- "The Son of David Reigns!" Clarion 42, YrEnd (1993): 534-536.
- "Pentecost: Baptism with the Holy Spirit," Clarion 38, no 10 (1989): 218-221.
- “Education in the Scriptures” Clarion, 30, no. 17/18 (1981): 328-330; Clarion, 30, no. 20 (1981): 372-373.