Library Resources: Evangelistics  & World Religions (2514)


  • Dickson, John. The Best kept Secret of Christian Mission: Promoting the Gospel with More Than Our Lips. Zondervan, 2010.
     BV2061.3 .D53 2009

  • Hyde, Daniel R.  & Shane Lems (eds.) Planting, Watering, Growing: Planting Confessionally Reformed Churches in the 21st Century.    BV652.24 .P53 2011

  • Keller, Timothy. Center Church: Doing Balanced, Gospel-Centered Ministry in Your City. Zondervan, 2012.  BV2653 .K45 2012

  • Metzger, Will. Tell the Truth. The Whole Gospel to the Whole Person by Whole People. 3rd edition (revised and expanded). IVP, 2002.  BV4520 .M47 1981

  • Packer, J. I. Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God. IVP 1961 (many reprints).  BV3793 .P32 E9 1961
  • VanDooren, G. Get Out! & Get Rid of Dilemmas: A guideline for congregational evangelism. 2nd edition. Winnipeg: Premier, 1979.   BV3790 .V362 1979


World Religions

  • Cooper, Derek. Christianity & World Religions: An Introduction to the World’s Major Faiths. Phillipsburg: P&R Publishing, 2013.  BR127 .C635 2012

  • Smart, Ninian, The World’s Religions. 2nd Cambridge Univ. Press, 1998.  BL80.2 .S615 1998

  • Ali, Abdullah Yusuf The Meaning of the Holy Qur’an. Beltsville: Amana Publications. Eleventh edition, 2004. (This is the recommended scholarly edition of the Qur’an.)  BP109 2004
  • Riddell, Peter G. & Peter Cotterell, Islam in Context. Past, Present and Future. Baker Academic, 2003.  BP161.3 .R52 I8 2003
  • Netland, Harold. Encountering Religious Pluralism: The Challenge to Christian Faith & Mission. IVP 2001.  BT83.85 .N48 E5 2001