Library Resources: Tools for Dogmatics (4411): Ecclesiology (Christology)
Classic Textbooks
Reformed Dogmatics (4 Vols). Bavinck, Herman. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2003 [1928].
- Very extensive treatment of Reformed doctrine. Every detail you want, and probably more, can be found here. Also see this four volume work abridged into one volume by John Bolt. BX9422 .B313 and BX9422.3 .B38
Systematic Theology. Berkhof, Louis. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1932.
- Still the classic textbook on dogmatics from a Reformed perspective. BX9422 .B4 I5
Systematic Theology (3 Vols). Hodge, Charles. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1993 [1872-73].
- A North American, Presbyterian perspective on the foundations of theology. BT75.H63 S9
Reformed Dogmatics (3 Vols). Vos, Geerhardus. Bellingham: Lexham Press, 2012-14.
- From the father of biblical theology in North America comes this systematic treatment of Reformed doctrine. Recently translated and deserves to be widely read. BT75 .V67 D613
More Recent Textboooks
The Christian Faith. Horton, Michael. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2011.
- A contemporary treatment of Reformed doctrine that seeks to ensure that dogma leads to doxology rather than being left buried in the dust of history. BT75.3 .H67
Post-Reformation Reformed Dogmatics (4 Vols). Muller, Richard A. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2003.
- Very thorough study but only covers prolegomena, doctrine of Holy Scripture, and theology per se. BT27 .M8 P6
Systematic Theology. Smith, Morton H. Greenville: Greenville Seminary Press, 1994.
- If you are looking more detail you may not find it here, but if you want a quick grasp of the issue at hand, you may well be helped. BT75.2 .S64
Reformational Theology: A New Paradigm for Doing Dogmatics. Spykman, Gordon J. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1992.
- A fresh attempt to do dogmatics on the basis of recent biblical studies and advances in reformational philosophy. Some of his “new directions” are better than others. BT75.2 .S67
Specialized Studies on Christology
The Person of Christ. Berkouwer, G.C. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1954.
- A detailed and thought provoking investigation of Christology. Be prepared to dig deeply and perhaps disagree on various points, but you will be edified by the exercise. BT201. B4213
The Work of Christ. Berkouwer, G.C. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1965.
- A detailed and thought provoking investigation of Christology. Be prepared to dig deeply and perhaps disagree on various points, but you will be edified by the exercise. BT202. B4713
Essays in Reformed Doctrine. Faber, J. Eds. H. Boersma, and B. Wielenga. Neerlandia: Inheritance Publications, 1990.
- Chapters 3-6 focus on Christ, especially the doctrine of his incarnation. BX9422.5 .F32
Teaching and Preaching the Word: Studies in Dogamtics and Homiletics. Gootjes, Nicolaas H. Winnipeg: Premier Publishing, 2010.
- Part Two of this book, spanning chapters 3-4, deals with “The Birth and Work of Christ,” particularly his virgin birth. BT80 .G66
Lord and Servant: A Covenant Christology. Horton, Michael S. Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 2005.
- Noteworthy for its exploration of rich connection between Christology and the doctrine of the covenant. BT205. H665
The Person of Christ. Macleod, Donald. Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 1998.
- A detailed yet eminently readable treatment of the doctrine of Christ. A good starting point from which to launch into further studies. BT202. M24
Christ and the Decree: Christology and Predestination in Reformed Theology from Calvin and Perkins. Muller, Richard A. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1986.
- Rather than looking at Christology through the common foci of his person and work, this study examines the connection between Christology and God’s eternal decree of salvation. BT198. M827
The Person and Work of Christ. Warfield, B.B. Philadelphia: Presbyterian & Reformed, 1950.
- A classic study on the doctrine of Christ from the hand of one of North American’s premiere Reformed theologians. BT201. W26
Specialized Studies on Ecclesiology
The Church. Berkouwer, G.C. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1976.
- A detailed and thought provoking investigation of ecclesiology. Be prepared to dig deeply and perhaps disagree on various points, but you will be edified by the exercise. BV601 .B4513
The Church. Clowney, Edmund P. Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 1995.
- A detailed yet eminently readable treatment of the doctrine of the church. A good starting point from which to launch into further studies. BV 600.2 .C57
Essays in Reformed Doctrine. Faber, J. Eds. H. Boersma, and B. Wielenga. Neerlandia: Inheritance Publications, 1990.
- Chapters 9-11 focus on the church, particularly its catholicity. Author interacts with the Three Forms of Unity in detail. BX9422.5 .F32
The Church. Heyns, J.A. Pretoria: Kerkboekhandel Transvaal, 1980.
- From the author of this Reformed, South African theologian (not to be confused with W. Heyns who taught in North America), we receive a study on the doctrine of the church which covers all the expected aspects of this doctrine, but particularly engages the question of the church’s relationship to the world. BV 600.2 H4813
People and Place: A Covenant Ecclesiology. Horton, Michael S. Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 2008.
- Noteworthy for its thorough exploration of the closely related doctrinal themes of covenant and ecclesiology. BV 600.3 .H67
An Introduction to Ecclesiology: Ecumenical, Historical & Global Perspectives. Kärkkäinen, Veli-Matti. Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 2002.
- A wide-ranging study that analyzes the ecclesiologies of different Christian traditions, moving from Eastern Orthodox to Reformed to charismatic and more. It also summarizes the views of various leading thinkers on the doctrine of the church. BV 600.3 .K37
“The Nature and Unity of the Church” by John Murray in Collected Writings of John Murray. Volume 2 Systematic Theology (Carlisle: Banner of Truth, 1977), 321-336.
- With the kind of succinct, exegetical precision that is characteristic of Murray this study clears away the chaff and delivers the biblical kernel to the reader. BX8915 .M87
“Theses concerning the Church” by Klaas Schilder in Canadian Reformed Magazine 21.17 (Aug 19, 1972), 1-4, 7.
- Brief yet weighty theses on the doctrine of the church that have been influential in the Liberated Reformed tradition. Worthy of further meditation.
Specialized Studies on the Sacraments
The Sacraments. Berkouwer, G.C. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1969.
- A detailed and thought provoking investigation of ecclesiology. Be prepared to dig deeply and perhaps disagree on various points, but you will be edified by the exercise. BX 9423 .S33
Children of the Promise: The Biblical Case for Infant Baptism. Booth, Robert. Phillipsburg: P&R Publishing, 1995.
- The pastor of Baptist congregation becomes convinced of infant baptism. Helpful material from someone who knows the arguments for credobaptism from firsthand experience. BV813.2.B66
Children of promise: the case for baptizing infants. Bromiley, Geoffrey William. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1979.
- A succinct, readable study on the topic of infant baptism from prolific theologian and church historian. BV813.2 .B76
Word, water, and Spirit: A Reformed perspective on baptism. Fesko, J.V. Grand Rapids: Reformation Heritage Books, 2010.
- A detailed study of various aspects of the doctrine of baptism. Worthwhile read. BV811.3 .F47
Teaching and Preaching the Word: Studies in Dogamtics and Homiletics. Gootjes, Nicolaas H. Winnipeg: Premier Publishing, 2010.
- Part Four of this book, spanning chapters 8-10, deals with the sacraments in general, as well as the promises of baptism and the meaning of the Lord’s Supper. BT80 .G66
The Lord’s Supper: Eternal Word in Broken Bread. Letham, Robert. Phillipsburg: Presbyterian & Reformed, 2001.
- A thorough study from a scholar who rarely misses a detail. BV825.2 .L47
Christian Baptism. Murray, John. Phillipsburg: Presbyterian & Reformed, 1962.
- A classic study on baptism from a solid, exegetical theologian. BV811.2 .M87
Children at the Lord’s table? Asessing the case for paedocommunion. Grand Rapids: Reformation Heritage Books, 2009.
- A welcome, responsible, and thorough study of this controversial subject from biblical, historical, and confessional points of view. BV825.58 .V46