Search the Reformed Periodical Index Catalogue (RPI)
RPI indexes Clarion, Diakonia, Reformed Perspective, and more.
Reformed Periodical Index
What is the Reformed Periodical Index?
The Reformed Periodical Index or RPI, as it is commonly referred to, is an index to Reformed magazines. Clarion, Diakonia, Koinoinia, Preach the Word, and Reformed Perspective are all indexed by the librarian at CRTS. Lux Mundi is also indexed, starting with volume 25 (2006). Some of the data has come from different databases, so the data for older publications in the index lacks consistency, but it is still useful to find articles.
Where can I find the articles that are indexed?
The Reformed Periodical Index is not full-text, so you will need to find the article in print or online to read it. The following websites are good places to find some of the articles:
Clarion: http://www.clarionmagazine.ca/archive.html
Reformed Perspective: http://reformedperspective.ca/
Lux Mundi: https://www.icrconline.com/lux-mundi