Junior Year
3101 - Old Testament Hebrew
(Credits: 2)Selected passages from the Prophets are read, with due attention given to the Hebrew grammar. Prerequisite: 1101 Old Testament Hebrew. Fall and Winter Semester.
3102 - Old Testament Canonics
(Credits: 4)A study of the origin and specific character of the books of the Old Testament. The authorship, date, contents, structure as well as the special place or purpose of each book is discussed. Attention is also given to the history of the study of Canonics as well as current trends in this field. Winter Semester.
3103 - Old Testament Exegesis
(Credits: 2)This course studies selected passages from one of the Prophets or Writings, mainly in seminar format, with a special emphasis on the text, its translation and message. Occasionally an excursus on a subject related to the text is given. Fall Semester.
3111 - Old Testament Aramaic
(Credits: 1)An introductory study of the grammar of Biblical Aramaic. Aramaic portions of the Old Testament are studied. A good knowledge of Hebrew is assumed in this course, which will be offered only if feasible. Prerequisite: 1101 Old Testament Hebrew and the permission of the professor. Fall Semester.
3204 - New Testament Greek
(Credits: 2)The grammar and idioms of New Testament Greek are studied. Readings are from the Pauline Epistles. Prerequisite: 1204 New Testament Greek. Fall and Winter Semester.
3205 - New Testament Canonics
(Credits: 4)The course deals with the grounds for and the history of the recognition of the books in the New Testament as holy and canonical. Further, these books are studied with respect to their place and purpose in the canon, and the contents of most of the books are surveyed. Fall Semester.
3206 - New Testament Exegesis
(Credits: 2)Selected chapters of the Pauline, Johannine or Petrine letters are studied with a view to their original context and their contemporary significance. Winter Semester.
3307 - Church Polity
(Credits: 2)This course begins with the biblical grounds for Reformed church polity, compares this to other forms of church polity, and then focuses on the offices, supervision of doctrine, and consistory by studying the articles 1-43 of the Church Order of the Canadian Reformed Churches. Winter Semester.
3308 - Church History
(Credits: 2)This course covers the period A.D. 1800 to present in European church history, particularly Dutch Reformed church history. The events of the Secession (1834), Doleantie (1886), Union (1892), Liberation (1944), as well as more recent events are studied in their historical context. Winter Semester.
3409 - Anthropology
(Credits: 4)Using Holy Scripture as the foundation, this course explores the doctrines of the creation of humanity, sin, and covenant. Fall Semester.
3410 - Ethics
(Credits: 3)In this course students are introduced to the field of ethics as the study of loving and pursuing “the good.” In order to determine what is the good and to seek to follow it, God’s Word must be our guide. On its basis, we then seek to develop Christian virtues and obey God’s commands. Fall Semester.
3511 - Homiletics II
(Credits: 2)A study of important themes in Homiletics: redemptive-historical preaching, covenantal preaching, Catechism preaching, and history of preaching including recent developments in Homiletics. Winter Semester.
3512 - Sermon Session
(Credits: 2)Presentation and evaluation of sermon proposals. Students are expected to present three sermon proposals in class (OT, NT, and Catechism). Fall and Winter Semester.
3514 - Liturgics
(Credits: 2)A study of the principles, historical development, and practice of the worship service of the Christian church, with special attention to liturgical practices in the Reformed tradition and an excursion into the field of hymnology (the study of singing and music in Christian worship). Winter Semester.