Senior Year
4101 - Old Testament Hebrew
(Credits: 1)Selected poetic passages are read with due attention given to the Hebrew grammar. Prerequisite: 1101 Old Testament Hebrew. Fall Semester.
4103 - History of Revelation in the Old Testament
(Credits: 4)A study of the history of Gods revelation in the Old Testament from creation to the end of prophecy. Included in this course is an orientation in and critical discussion of past and current Old Testament theologies. Fall Semester.
4204 - New Testament Greek
(Credits: 2)The grammar and idioms of New Testament Greek are studied. The readings are from the book of Hebrews, the Catholic Epistles and Revelation. Prerequisite: 1204 New Testament Greek. Fall and Winter Semester.
4206 - History of Revelation in the New Testament
(Credits: 3)The concept of a "history of revelation" is discussed and attention is paid to how Christian thought develops from the teachings of the Lord Jesus in the Gospels to the writings of the apostle Paul. Winter Semester.
4207 - Advanced Hermeneutics and NT Exegesis
(Credits: 3)This course seeks to strengthen the student’s knowledge of significant hermeneutical and methodological principles and procedures with respect to hermeneutics and exegesis. It builds on the knowledge and skills gained in Hermeneutics 1207 by considering material at a more advanced level. In addition, this course deals with some of the hermeneutical challenges of reading Scripture, develops skills with respect to the narrative critical approach to Scripture, and then applies these methods learned specifically to passages of the Gospel according to John. Fall Semester.
4309 - Church Polity
(Credits: 2)This course surveys the articles 44-76 of the Church Order of the Canadian Reformed Churches. Through lectures and case studies, the class will study the practical aspects of the broader assemblies; worship, sacraments, and ceremonies; and church discipline in the Reformed tradition. Winter Semester.
4310 - Church History
(Credits: 2)This course covers church history in North America from the 16th c. to the present. Colonization, the Awakenings, the rise of Evangelicalism, and more recent Canadian developments receive attention. The history of the Canadian Reformed Churches (and a few other Reformed churches) is studied in this context. Winter Semester.
4411 - Christology and Ecclesiology
(Credits: 4)Using Holy Scripture as the foundation, this course explores the doctrines of the person and work of Jesus Christ. In addition, attention will be given to the Bride of Christ, the church, and the means of grace, both preaching and the sacraments. Fall Semester.
4412 - Soteriology and Eschatology
(Credits: 4)Using Holy Scripture as the foundation, this course begins with the diverse aspects of our salvation and ends with the culmination of God’s redemptive work in final glory. Winter Semester.
4514 - Sermon Session
(Credits: 2)Presentation and evaluation of sermon proposals. Students are expected to present three sermon proposals (OT, NT, and Catechism). Fall and Winter Semester.
4515 - Missiology
(Credits: 2)A course in world mission. The course introduces the students to Biblical and theological principles, history, and practice of global mission work. Special attention is given to issues such as contextualization, syncretism, relationship with young churches in the Third World. Fall Semester.
4516 - Poimenics II
(Credits: 2)A study of aspects of pastoral care in the Christian congregation. Complex pastoral situations are discussed (depression, sexual abuse, pre-marriage counselling, etc.). Attention is given to cooperation with professional care givers such as social workers and psychologists. Winter Semester.
4517 - Catechetics II
(Credits: 1)This course builds on 1512 Catechetics I and focuses on the theory and practice of Catechism teaching. The course consists of three modules, spread out over three years of study. Module 1: Preparing and delivering Catechism lessons. (M. Wieske) Module 2: Classroom management; special learners. (J. Huizenga, C. van Halen-Faber) Module 3: Content & curriculum of Catechism instruction. R. Bredenhof)
4530 - Pastoral Training Program
(Credits: 3)The Pastoral Training Program is a field education program designed to equip students for core ministerial responsibilities such as preaching, teaching, leading worship services, and pastoral visitation. The program consists of four components: an orientation internship (after the 1st year of study), a Catechism teaching practicum (during the 2nd year), a mission internship (after the 2nd or 3rd year) and a summer internship (after the 2nd or 3rd year).