Sophomore Year
2101 - Old Testament Hebrew
(Credits: 2)Narrative passages are read with due attention given to the Hebrew grammar. Prerequisite: 1101 Old Testament Hebrew. Fall and Winter Semester.
2102 - Old Testament Background
(Credits: 3)This course studies the events of the Old Testament in their larger Ancient Near Eastern context. Attention is given to the geography, archaeology, history, and social and religious institutions of Israel in the context of the surrounding nations. Winter Semester.
2103 - Old Testament Exegesis
(Credits: 2)Selected passages from the Pentateuch are studied, mainly in seminar format with a special emphasis on the text, translation and message. Occasionally an excursus on a subject related to the text is given. Fall Semester.
2204 - New Testament Greek
(Credits: 1)The grammar and idioms of New Testament Greek are studied. The readings concentrate on the Gospel according to Luke and Acts. Prerequisite: 1204 New Testament Greek. Fall Semester.
2205 - New Testament Background
(Credits: 3)This course deals with the larger Judaic and Greco-Roman context in which the New Testament events took place. Attention is given to the extrabiblical sources for much of that knowledge, to the intertestamental history, to the sects and movements that were current, and to other aspects of daily life in New Testament times. Fall Semester.
2307 - Church History
(Credits: 2)This course studies the history of the early and medieval church, with special attention to the doctrinal controversies of the period, the interaction of church and state, the work of Augustine, and the development of scholastic method in theology. Fall Semester.
2308 - Church History
(Credits: 2)This course begins in the late medieval era and then studies the history of the Protestant Reformation in Europe, with subsequent developments up to about A.D. 1800. Winter Semester.
2408 - Doctrine of God
(Credits: 2)Using Holy Scripture as the foundation, this course explores the doctrine of God (theology per se), including the being and attributes of our Triune God.. Fall Semester.
2409 - Creation and Eternal Counsel
(Credits: 2)Using Holy Scripture as the foundation, this course explores the work of our God in creation, providence, and his eternal counsel. Winter Semester.
2410 - Advanced Symbolics
(Credits: 2)Using the Three Forms of Unity as a reference point, the history and text of various significant confessions from the 16th century until today are studied. Special attention is given to the Westminster Standards. Winter Semester.
2411 - Apologetics
(Credits: 2)This course studies the history and methods of Christian apologetics – both negative and positive approaches – and equips students to defend their faith before the world. The first half of the course covers the biblical basis, history, and main schools of apologetics while the second half engages in the practice of apologetics. Winter Semester.
2512 - Sermon Session
(Credits: 2)Presentation and evaluation of sermon proposals. Students are expected to present three sermon proposals in class (OT, NT, and Catechism). Fall and Winter Semester.
2513 - Poimenics I
(Credits: 2)A study of the principles and practice of pastoral and diaconal care in the Christian congregation. This includes a discussion of the role of the offices of elder and deacon in the church. The course includes a discussion of various approaches to congregational development. Winter Semester.
2514 - Evangelistics and World Religions
(Credits: 2)The first half of this course is a study in World Religions, focusing on religions that have a significant presence in Canada (Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism). The second half of the course is a study of the principles, history and practice of evangelism (home mission) and church planting. Fall Semester.