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Displaying all results for topic 'Liturgy'
13 Result(s)
Musical Instruments in Worship (Part 1)
Biblical foundations for the role of music in worship.
Perspectives on Worship, Law and Faith: The Old Testament Speaks Today
The principles underlying the laws respecting worship, clean and unclean, and the care of the poor and needy are as applicable today as they were back then. God’s Word includes the Old Testament laws and their message still needs to be heard. The purpose of these lectures is to show something of the truth and substance of the gospel that is embedded in the Old Testament laws and to help sensitise us to the fact that the New Testament gospel has its basis in the Old Covenant.
Author: C. Van Dam. Publisher: Pro Ecclesia, 2000.
Fulfil Your Ministry
A series of twenty-two articles for ministers of the Word and for all who have to fulfil their service before God. The diverse selection of topics covered include: the responsibilities of parents, Reformed liturgy, preaching, mission, and church government.
Author: K. Deddens. Publisher: Premier Publishing, 1990. ISBN 0887560482
Lift Up your Hearts: Biblical Principles for Music in Worship
A presentation at the Church Music Conference held in Burlington, Ontario on October 24, 2014.
The Genevan Psalter – 450 Years
The history of the Genevan Psalter, with an analysis of its character and its significance.
"Until He Comes": Eschatological Aspects of Reformed Worship
Recorded during the 2015 CRTS Conference. Dr. de Visser begins by discussing Biblical foundations for the topic. Next he argues that faithful preaching should have a distinct eschatological quality. Then he examines what eschatological elements are found in the Reformed worship service, including psalms, hymns, and liturgical forms.
Schilder’s views regarding the Reformed Hymnary
Why Dr. K. Schilder was in favour of singing (more) hymns
Schilder’s views regarding the Reformed Psalter
Why Dr. K. Schilder wanted to sing the Psalms in contemporary language
Musical Instruments in Worship (Part 2)
Historical background and practical advice for the role of music in worship.
What is Worship? Some Biblical Principles of Public Worship
An article answering the questions why and how do we worship?
The Character of the Afternoon Service
Why our afternoon services should have a teaching quality
Church Music in Calvin's Tradition
What we can learn from Calvin's view of music for today
Why Second Service
Do we still need a second service with catechism teaching?