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Displaying all results for resource type 'Articles'
63 Result(s)
13 Reasons Why
In this article, Dr. de Visser takes a look at Netflix's popular show "13 Reasons Why" and offers some insight for Christian viewers. Is there anything positive that can be said about this controversial new show?
Is Grace Well and Alive Among Us?
The basis for our redeemed status is not…covenant, nor works, nor race. It’s just Grace.
Wanted: You at Seminary
Dr. Visscher explains the pressing need for more students at the seminary.
The Reason for Our Hope: Christ in Our Apologetics Part 2
Part 2 of the Convocation 2014 address.
The Reason for Our Hope: Christ in Our Apologetics Part 1
Part 1 of the Convocation address in 2014.
Musical Instruments in Worship (Part 1)
Biblical foundations for the role of music in worship.
Discussion Guide concerning The Heidelberg Catechism
Tracing Guido de Brès in Doornik
Report on a visit to Doornik - including the place where Guido de Brès was imprisoned.
Off to Work? Don't Forget your Doctrine
An article exploring the intersection of well-known doctrines and daily work.
The Genevan Psalter – 450 Years
The history of the Genevan Psalter, with an analysis of its character and its significance.
Evangelism according to the Scriptures
Discussion of the principles, history and practice of evangelism
Schilder’s views regarding the Reformed Hymnary
Why Dr. K. Schilder was in favour of singing (more) hymns
Schilder’s views regarding the Reformed Psalter
Why Dr. K. Schilder wanted to sing the Psalms in contemporary language
Who's Really in the Class?
A speech delivered at the International Conference of Reformed Education (2013), hosted in Orillia, Ontario. Reformed educators, especially principals, from different countries gathered to explore various facets of Reformed education, including this topic of the identity of the students in the classroom and how that affects the teaching that goes on in that room.
Honoured but Eclipsed: Beliefs about Christ in an African Church
Analysis of the Christology of the Zion Christian Church, the largest church in southern Africa
A Doorkeeper in the House of My God
Inaugural address at the 2012 CRTS Convocation on the task of the temple gatekeeper.
Same-Sex Marriage
A biblical look at same-sex marriage and its destructive consequences.
Preaching the Gospel from the Law
This is an article on how to preach on Old Testament laws. It was first presented at the Preaching Seminar held at CRTS in January 2012.
The Christian Funeral: A Witness to the Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ
Mr. R. Ludwig, owner of Kitching, Steepe, and Ludwig Funeral Homes, discusses the Christian funeral as a witness to the death and resurrection of Jesus. He also deals with the topic of cremation. Recorded during the 2014 CRTS Interim Semester.
The Incense Offering in its Biblical Context
An exploration of the incense offering in the light of all Scripture.
The Burnt Offering in Its Biblical Context
A discussion of the burnt offering and its significance also for today.
The Threefold Office of Christ and Christians
An article commemorating the 450th anniversary of the Heidelberg Catechism and focusing on LD 12
Elders: A Treasure to Cherish
The office of elder as a gift of God to his people.
New Perspective: Is there a need to reinterpret Paul?
Is the New Perspective on Paul correct? This is an evaluation of various authors and aspects within this movement.
New Confessions: Do We Need Them?
An evaluation of need for, and process involved in, updating our confessions or writing new ones.
Infant Baptism: Should We Agree to Disagree?
Is infant baptism a non-essential doctrine that is open to various interpretations? This article counters that notion.
A Blessed Commemoration: The Heidelberg Catechism is turning 450
A survey of some of the events and initiatives surrounding the 450th anniversary of the Heidelberg Catechism
Musical Instruments in Worship (Part 2)
Historical background and practical advice for the role of music in worship.
The Origin and Character of Sacrifice in Scripture
A discussion on the sacrifice in the Old Testament in the light of the New Testament.
How Shall We Read Genesis 1?
An article exploring the meaning of the first chapter of Scripture.
The Multicultural Challenge: A Christian View
A speech held in the Canadian Parliament in Ottawa, Ontario, on March 27, 2012 on a biblical view of multiculturalism.
Prayer as an Incense Offering
Considering prayer as an incense offering offers surprising insights into what prayer is and how it should be practised.
Pentecost: the Feast in the Light of the Old Testament
This Old Testament feast has enduring consequences for today.
The Challenge of Multiculturalism
Is the western liberal ideal of peoples of different cultures living peaceably together attainable?
Was Adam the First Human?
According to evolutionary theory as held by some Christians, hominoids preceded Adam. How should we understand Scripture on this issue?
Is Genesis 1 Real History?
Many dismiss Genesis 1 as real history. Is such an attitude warranted?
What is Human Dignity?
There is much talk about human dignity and dying with dignity. What are the issues at stake?
Science and Ideology
Is science always objective or can it be influenced by philosophical presuppositions?
The Preacher as Priest
There are important priestly aspects to the office of minister of the Word.
Defending Christian Freedom: Our Civic Responsibility
A speech underlining our need to be actively involved in the political affairs of our country.
The Weakening of the Institution of Marriage
An article on the current challenges to marriage.
A Biblical View of Marriage
Marriage as a precious gift of God to be treasured and protected.
The Privilege and Challenge of Educating the Lord’s Special Children
What does the Word of God say about educating covenant children with disabilities?
What is Worship? Some Biblical Principles of Public Worship
An article answering the questions why and how do we worship?
Let's Just be Friends
The relationship between the Canadian Reformed Churches and the United Reformed Churches re-evaluated after the URC 2010 Synod.
How Reliable is the New Testament
Do we have the actual New Testament Text in our hands?
Lord's Supper: Cause for Division?
How exactly should the Lord's Supper be celebrated? What should be done when the method of celebrating causes tension in a local congregation?
So What does Separate the Sheep from the Goats?
This is the author's inaugural address as Professor of New Testament at the Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary. He looks closely at an often misunderstood parable in Matthew 25:31-46.
The Attraction of Evangelicalism
What draws Reformed people in an Evangelical direction?
Connected Preaching and Seminary Education
What kind of preaching should we strive for?
CanRC Answers to URC Questions
Questions asked of professors from the Canadian Reformed Churches by Classis Southwest of the United Reformed Churches of North America in 2010.
Teaching Sound Doctrine as Redeemed Servants
A condensed version of the author's inaugural address as Professor of Dogmatics at the Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary.
Stolen Goods, Broken Trust
An article about the Old Testament laws of restitution and their message for today.
Calvin's Teaching on the Image of God
An article summarizing some of the key points of the author's doctoral dissertation on the same topic, Children of God: The Imago Dei in John Calvin and his Context (V&R, 2009)
The Character of the Afternoon Service
Why our afternoon services should have a teaching quality
Church Music in Calvin's Tradition
What we can learn from Calvin's view of music for today
Marriage vs. Mawwiage
An article about Biblical laws and customs regarding marriage in light of modern misconceptions.
Out of the House of Bondage
An article on the slavery laws of the Old Testament and their gospel message for today.
Why Second Service
Do we still need a second service with catechism teaching?