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Displaying all results for topic 'Education'

6 Result(s)



Friday, February 22, 2019

Covenant and Christian Education

A good Christian school is a covenant school. A good Christian education is a covenant education. That is, it is one that is based upon the biblical teaching. And the heart of understanding Christian education is to be found in an understanding within your soul of the truth of God’s glorious covenant of grace with believers and their children.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Fathers and Mothers at Home and at School

This short volume explores the role that parents should play in the education of their children, as well as the importance of a close working relationship between parents and Christian schools.

Author: C. Van Dam. Publisher: Reformed Guardian, 2000. Available for purchase from Pro Ecclesia.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Credo: An Overview of the Church's Confession as summarized in the Three Forms of Unity

“What do you believe about God? About salvation and redemption? About the Ten Commandments?” These are the kinds of questions young people are confronted with in today’s climate of religious pluralism. This book—originally designed as a course for public profession of faith classes—has been structured to help young people answer these questions and to confirm them in their own faith. It presents an overview of the continental Reformed confessions known as the Three Forms of Unity: the Heidelberg Catechism, the Belgic Confession, and the Canons of Dort.

Author: J. De Jong. Publisher: Premier Publishing, 1997. ISBN 0887560687.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Who's Really in the Class?

A speech delivered at the International Conference of Reformed Education (2013), hosted in Orillia, Ontario. Reformed educators, especially principals, from different countries gathered to explore various facets of Reformed education, including this topic of the identity of the students in the classroom and how that affects the teaching that goes on in that room.

Monday, April 27, 2015

From Catechumen to Communicant: Setting up a Curriculum for Catechetical Instruction

A speech presented at the CRTS January Interim 2013 dealing with how to arrange various levels of catechetical instructions from a pedagogical point of view. Mrs. Christine van Halen-Faber is the principal of the Covenant Canadian Reformed Teachers College.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

The Privilege and Challenge of Educating the Lord’s Special Children

What does the Word of God say about educating covenant children with disabilities?