*schedule subject to change

Please note that there will no longer be a Thursday evening lecture.

Friday Evening, September 8 @ Redeemer University
Free - No registration required
8:00 pm

Convocation Program featuring:
* Conferral of degrees on six graduates of the MDiv program
* Installation of Dr. Reuben Bredenhof as Professor of Minstry and Mission
* Keynote Speech by Dr. Arjan deVisser

"Enlarge the place of your tent, do not hold back":
Reflections on the missional calling of the Canadian Reformed Churches

Saturday, September 9 @ Ebenezer Canadian Reformed Church
Registration required

8:30 am Check-in  

9:00 am Opening

9:15 am The Rise and Fall of Empires, and the progress of the Kingdom of Christ
by Dr. Erik van Alten
10:20 am Refreshments

10:50 am Musical Interlude

11:10 am God's Battle Lines: The Antithesis in the Preaching of the Gospel
by Dr. Jannes Smith
12:25 pm Lunch

1:30 pm “Feed My Lambs”: Catechetical instruction within the unity of purpose of home, church, and school
by Dr. Christine van Halen-Faber
2:30 pm Closing