Ministry and Mission Courses
1510 - Introduction to Ministry & Mission
(Credits: 2)Attention is given to Biblical Principles regarding the church and its ministries and offices, with special reference to the ministry of the Word. The students receive a brief introduction to the various subdisciplines such as Homiletics (study preaching), Liturgics (study of worship), etc. Fall Semester.
1511 - Homiletics I
(Credits: 2)This is an introductory course in the principles, history and practice of preaching, with special attention to important themes in Reformed homiletics such as Catechism preaching and redemptive-historical preaching. The students are introduced to the sermon preparation process. By the end of the course each student is expected to prepare and present a sermon proposal on an assigned passage. Winter Semester.
1512 - Catechetics I
(Credits: 1)This course is an introduction to the study of Catechism teaching. The course consists of two modules. Module 1: Theological foundations for Catechism teaching (Dr. R. Bredenhof). Module 2: Pedagogical principles for Catechism teaching (Dr. C. van Halen-Faber, J. Huizenga).
2512 - Sermon Session
(Credits: 2)Presentation and evaluation of sermon proposals. Students are expected to present three sermon proposals in class (OT, NT, and Catechism). Fall and Winter Semester.
2513 - Poimenics I
(Credits: 2)A study of the principles and practice of pastoral and diaconal care in the Christian congregation. This includes a discussion of the role of the offices of elder and deacon in the church. The course includes a discussion of various approaches to congregational development. Winter Semester.
2514 - Evangelistics and World Religions
(Credits: 2)The first half of this course is a study in World Religions, focusing on religions that have a significant presence in Canada (Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism). The second half of the course is a study of the principles, history and practice of evangelism (home mission) and church planting. Fall Semester.
3511 - Homiletics II
(Credits: 2)A study of important themes in Homiletics: redemptive-historical preaching, covenantal preaching, Catechism preaching, and history of preaching including recent developments in Homiletics. Winter Semester.
3512 - Sermon Session
(Credits: 2)Presentation and evaluation of sermon proposals. Students are expected to present three sermon proposals in class (OT, NT, and Catechism). Fall and Winter Semester.
3514 - Liturgics
(Credits: 2)A study of the principles, historical development, and practice of the worship service of the Christian church, with special attention to liturgical practices in the Reformed tradition and an excursion into the field of hymnology (the study of singing and music in Christian worship). Winter Semester.
4514 - Sermon Session
(Credits: 2)Presentation and evaluation of sermon proposals. Students are expected to present three sermon proposals (OT, NT, and Catechism). Fall and Winter Semester.
4515 - Missiology
(Credits: 2)A course in world mission. The course introduces the students to Biblical and theological principles, history, and practice of global mission work. Special attention is given to issues such as contextualization, syncretism, relationship with young churches in the Third World. Fall Semester.
4516 - Poimenics II
(Credits: 2)A study of aspects of pastoral care in the Christian congregation. Complex pastoral situations are discussed (depression, sexual abuse, pre-marriage counselling, etc.). Attention is given to cooperation with professional care givers such as social workers and psychologists. Winter Semester.
4517 - Catechetics II
(Credits: 1)This course builds on 1512 Catechetics I and focuses on the theory and practice of Catechism teaching. The course consists of three modules, spread out over three years of study. Module 1: Preparing and delivering Catechism lessons. (M. Wieske) Module 2: Classroom management; special learners. (J. Huizenga, C. van Halen-Faber) Module 3: Content & curriculum of Catechism instruction. R. Bredenhof)
4530 - Pastoral Training Program
(Credits: 3)The Pastoral Training Program is a field education program designed to equip students for core ministerial responsibilities such as preaching, teaching, leading worship services, and pastoral visitation. The program consists of four components: an orientation internship (after the 1st year of study), a Catechism teaching practicum (during the 2nd year), a mission internship (after the 2nd or 3rd year) and a summer internship (after the 2nd or 3rd year).
This course consists of five modules which are spread out over the four years of the M.Div. program.
B501 - Evangelistic Speaking I
(Credits: 2)This course teaches the student how to prepare and deliver expository messages in an evangelistic context. The first part of the course focuses on theological foundations. The second part of the course takes the student through the process of preparing an expository message. This message will be delivered preferably in an actual ministry setting.
B502 - Evangelistic Speaking II
(Credits: 2)Building on Evangelistic Speaking I, this course aims at giving the student more insight in issues such as congregational and missionary preaching, expository preaching and Catechism preaching. The student is expected to prepare two expository, evangelistic messages under supervision of the professor of Homiletics and/or a minister/mentor in the field. These messages will be delivered preferably in actual ministry settings.
B517 - Advanced Missiology
(Credits: 4)Building on 4515 Missiology, this course aims at deepening the student’s understanding of Biblical and theological foundations of mission and evangelism, history of mission and evangelism, and contemporary strategy and methods of mission and evangelism. The course ends with a capstone project that is designed to suit the student’s interests and future ministry.
B530 - Field Internship
(Credits: 2)The Bachelor internship is a field education program designed to prepare students for a future role in Christian ministry. The student will spend a minimum of two weeks in a practical ministry setting such as foreign mission, home mission, mission aid, or pastoral care. The internship is to be completed during the summer months.