Introducing Tony Zheng

Hellο everyone. I’m Tony Zheng, and this is my wife, Mindy Zheng. We have been married for 12 years and have three lovely kids: Evangeline, Tirian, and Toby. So, here is my brief bio:

What did I do before CRTS?

I was born and raised in a small, materialistic city (1.41 million population) in southeast China. My grandparents and mother took me to church when I was a child, yet the atheistic educational system and the secular culture affected me. However, God graciously saved me from a sinful life when I was 19 years old. 

I started my career at age 21. During the next 12 years, I had opportunities to work in a software company, later an international trading company, and then shortly as a private school teacher. After that, I became an interpreter and book translator (primarily Christian books from English into Chinese) while serving part-time at a local urban house church.

How did I come to seminary?

I had always wanted to attend a seminary and become an ordained minister after I became a serious Christian. However, it took 13 years for me to realize that dream. God's providence led me to know about CRTS through a Chinese Reformed friend. I was already convinced of Reformed theology beforehand, so I sent my application letter to CRTS, and the seminary graciously accepted me as a full-time student.

While at CRTS, I have learned so much that I couldn't have learned elsewhere. I want to express my gratitude to all my professors whose teaching and mentorship were a great blessing to me. Their Christlike examples greatly edified me.

What did I do during the previous summers?

In the past summers, I have participated in different activities in different places. I have been so blessed by the pastors and brothers I worked with, such as Rev. Jeff Temple, Rev. Geroge Van Popta. Rev. James Visscher, Rev. Douwe Agema, Rev. Theo Wierenga, Rev. Frank Dong, and Mr. Ed Vanderboom (the chairman of the Asian Mission Board).

What’s my personality and hobby?

I am a flexible, relational, and social person. And I love reading, preaching, sharing the gospel, and playing basketball.

Whats my plan for the near future?

Lord willing, I will take a preparatory classis exam in April 2025 to become eligible for call. My family and I desire to serve our Lord Jesus Christ wherever he leads us. May his will be done in our lives.