Introducing Mitchell Bosveld

Hi there! My name is Mitchell Bosveld and this is my dear wife Katie (Emily-Kate) and our sweet little son, Sebastian. Our journey at CRTS has been a time of grace, growth, and the goodness of God. We have had so many wonderful experiences, met so many lovely, godly people, and have been astounded time and time again at the goodness and sovereign love of our heavenly Father. Perhaps the best place to start is at the very beginning.

I grew up on a small hobby farm in Baldivis, Western Australia. Through these formative years, God was gracious in allowing me to grow up in a Christian family – a family that loved and cared for me. With tremendous humility, I can say that, by God’s grace, there was not a day in my life when I didn’t know Christ as my Saviour. In these years, God gave me a solid foundation for the faith I know and love. My childhood was pretty cool – lots of animals and space to play with bikes, go-karts, and quads. Perhaps it was in these early years that I developed my childhood love of car racing, something I dabbled in as a teenager.

Racing was the dream, but it stayed just that, a dream. For indeed, the LORD had other plans and paths for me. In high school, I was encouraged to pursue ministry, and it wasn’t something that I could shake. At this point I wasn’t deeply convicted but nevertheless took the first step, pursuing language studies and an Arts degree at the University of Western Australia. I was eager to see what God would do with the doors on my path. By his grace, the doors remained open, and the desire grew. Thankfully my (now) wife was fully on board. Katie was studying Psychology at the same university while working as a nanny. With her kind, thoughtful, and caring soul, she has been my friend and constant encouragement. God blessed our relationship and studies; we were married in early 2021 with our hearts set on moving to Canada to attend CRTS later that year.

Since then, we have not looked back. These past almost-four years have been full of God’s provision and grace. Our time here hasn’t been without both much joy and deep sorrow, yet his steady hand has been our constant through it all. He has provided for us in every way, and grown us in so, so many ways. In his good pleasure, he gave us our earnest little boy – Sebastian, one of our dearest treasures, who brings so much joy to our lives. We have been blessed with caring and godly peers and friends at the seminary, and a wonderful home church at Ancaster Canadian Reformed Church. These people have become like family to us during our sojourn here, and through them we have experienced so richly the love of Christ.

We were also blessed by wonderful saints all over Canada, and around the world. We were welcomed with open arms and the love of our Saviour by so many wonderful churches throughout our internships and will be forever grateful to the saints and servants who received us into their hearts and homes. We did an orientation internship at Fellowship Church in Burlington with Hilmer & Meagan Jagersma, and God further formed us through preaching internships at Hope Reformed Church in Brampton with John & Julie Bouwers, and Carman East Canadian Reformed Church with Carl & Lisa Van Dam.  We were also privileged to spend two months serving at Lincoln-Vineyard this past summer. Finally, we were able to spend a month in Mexico on a Cross-Cultural Mission Training Program, led by Rich & Angela Bout and other local missionaries, which gave us fresh and sincere appreciation for the work of God in gathering his people from among the nations. All these churches have a special place in our hearts. We will forever be thankful to God for the people we could meet, the gifts we could develop, and the love we could share.

In his grace, God has kept doors open for us, and we feel humbled that he might even use us for such a high calling as gospel ministry. So, it is with much dependence on, and praise and glory to him that I hope to present myself to Classis Ontario-West at the beginning of June to become eligible for call. We are eager to see where and how God might use us to build up his kingdom, trusting in him who is the overflowing fountain of all good.