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Introducing Josh Schouten
Hello brothers and sisters, my name is Joshua Schouten, and pictured with me are my beautiful wife Maaike and our two beloved sons, Elias (1.5) and Jacob (2 months). My story begins in London, Ontario where I was born and raised. Maaike was born in Bergambacht, the Netherlands, from where her family emigrated to Watford, Ontario, where she grew up. We first met at Covenant Christian School in London where we both received our elementary education. We attended Providence Reformed Collegiate for our high school years and despite incessant badgering from our older siblings, no romantic interest developed.
As the sixth of eight children, I thank God for the many opportunities I had to learn from my older siblings growing up. I observed their strong work ethic and dedication to whatever their hands found to do, and I soon joined in the scuffle and kerfuffle of their spirited debates at home. I also spent a lot of time tagging along with my older brother whenever I could. When he got into farming and started an excavating and demolition company, I was right there with him every chance I got. Throughout this time, I benefitted from a wide range of experiences at work, from driving tractors on the farm to working on large demolition projects. I became fascinated by the gifts and abilities that God gives to man to work with his hands, to raise up and to tear down, to develop and build, to grow crops, and raise livestock. I was (and still am) intrigued by how things work—what goes into designing and building all things mechanical and structural. And so, when I graduated high school, enrolling in the engineering program at Western University in London seemed like the logical thing to do.
Though I had not seriously considered pursuing seminary education up to this point, there were many things which God providentially used to steer me in that direction. Most notably, throughout my high school education, wise teachers had prompted me to use God’s gifts to me by pursuing gospel ministry. I also grew in love for studying God’s Word and learning Reformed doctrine and I became convinced of the importance of the preaching of the gospel. So it was that during my first year of university, I began to wonder if engineering was the path that I was to pursue. Despite my resistance to the contrary, the Lord worked in me a desire to become a minister of his Word. And so it was, instead of enrolling in a second year of engineering, I worked for a year and then returned to Western University to study early modern philosophy and biblical languages, graduating with a liberal arts degree in 2021.
During this time, Maaike and I began to take a romantic interest in one another and started dating in July of 2020. Once Maaike had graduated from Covenant Canadian Reformed Teachers College and I had graduated from Western, we got married in July of 2021 and moved to Brantford, Ontario. That September Maaike began working at Hope Reformed Christian School in Paris, Ontario, and I began my studies at CRTS in Hamilton. Two years later, in July of 2023, the Lord blessed us with the birth of our son Elias Johannes, and in December of the following year, we welcomed Jacob Cornelis.
In addition to these blessings in our family life, there has been much to give thanks to our heavenly Father for in these past four years. It has been a privilege to study under the tutelage of such godly and learned men and to get to know the faithful saints who support this seminary and its students in so many ways. Aside from the joy of learning about the rich history, doctrine, and practice of our churches, it has been a delight to study the wondrous works of our God and to proclaim the excellencies of Christ to his covenant people. This is the privilege that I have had in teaching Catechism for 2 years in Ancaster, and training under faithful ministers on various internships, first with Rev. James Sinke (Bethel URC, Woodstock), then with Rev. Clarence VanderVelde (Rehoboth CanRC, Burlington) and then with Rev. Joe Poppe (Redeemer CanRC, Winnipeg). I am thankful for the wisdom, guidance, and encouragement of these men which has been invaluable to me in learning to craft sermons and shepherd Christ’s flock.
I am also thankful for our churches and both humbled and encouraged by their eagerness to hear God’s Word faithfully proclaimed. The Lord Christ is truly at work among you! What an awesome privilege to be an instrument in his hands as he gathers, defends, and preserves his church! To that end, this spring I hope to present myself for preparatory examination in Classis Ontario West, and Lord willing, be declared eligible for call in the Canadian Reformed Churches. Whatever the Lord’s plan for us may be, to him be the glory both now and forever!