Introducing Adrian Tams

Hello, brothers and sisters, I’m Adrian, and with me are my lovely wife Alisha and our two daughters Abigail (3) and Lillian (2). By God’s grace, we hope there will be a third child in our arms to love and cherish when you read this.

We are a quiet group. If you stop by, you might notice two pairs of eyes peering from around the corner. These girls are a little shy at first, but they will warm up soon. They’re an inseparable duo, who spend their days reading and colouring while toting and doting on their baby dolls.

As for my wife and I, we met at a wedding in 2018. While I was serenading the newlyweds with one of Alan Jackson’s greatest hits, I was sweeping a beautiful bridesmaid off her feet! My career as a wedding singer never took off (surprisingly…), but my relationship with Alisha did (thankfully!). She’s stood by me ever since. We share a love for reading, hiking, and tending houseplants, but most of all, for Jesus Christ. Alisha has been my deeply treasured companion in the faith.

It was not a smooth road to seminary for me. I grew up in Taber, Alberta with my four siblings under the loving guidance of my believing parents. Though they raised me in the faith, I was a wayward and wandering teenager. While I graduated from high school, worked as a labourer in stone masonry for a couple of years, and then began studying for a degree in Psychology at Mount Royal University in Calgary, I drifted in my faith and lived a worldly life. I sometimes wish I had a more dramatic turn, but change happened more slowly. Still, I share the apostle’s confession, “By the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace toward me was not in vain” (1 Cor 15:10). Though I turned away, his Holy Spirit steadily worked in my heart both a heartfelt joy in God through Christ and a desire to do God’s will.

I initially intended to work towards a career in law or psychology, but the Lord had other plans for me. At the prompting of an elder, I attended an open house at the seminary that led me to reconsider my use of the talents God gave me. I resolved to begin the steps toward seminary, but the Lord prepared a path for me. At every point along the road, the Lord has upheld me. I was able to transfer to McMaster University in Hamilton so that I could take language classes there (and to be closer to Alisha, whom I had just started dating.)

After graduating, we continued on to CRTS. I am thankful for all that I have learned in the past four years. My professors have instructed me patiently and carefully while setting a godly example, inviting me to imitate them as they imitate Christ. My fellow students have been a daily source of love, sharpening, and encouragement whether praying beside me at Monday morning prayer groups, as my fearsome “opponents” in thesis defense, or elbow to elbow in the lunchroom.

I’m grateful also to our churches for providing opportunities to learn and grow. In particular, Rev. Mark ten Haaf and Rev. Richard Aasman in Edmonton (Providence), who introduced me to the life of ministry, Rev. Rudy de Vries in Kingston (Redemption Prison Ministry), who allowed me to accompany him on Bible studies, visits, and chapels, and Rev. Julius Van Spronsen in Edmonton (Immanuel), who guided and instructed me with my first preaching, pastoral visits, and consistory meetings. Internships and family have given cause for many road trips, and Alisha and I value the many memories we’ve shared traveling across the country several times. We look forward to settling more permanently too though!

Over the last 4 years, God has richly blessed our family. We’ve settled into seminary life and built routines and habits for life here. I’ve been blessed with the opportunity to teach catechism in Ancaster and Grassie churches in the past two years. We’ve come to love this community, the seminary, and our church in Ancaster. It’s a bittersweet feeling, knowing we will leave the seminary soon yet looking forward to going to classis in June, Lord willing. God has richly blessed our family during seminary, and we are excited to see where he will guide us next. God, our God, blesses us. To him be the glory!