Introducing Todd Linde

Hello. I’m Todd Linde and here with me are my lovely wife, Marietta, and our cheerful boy, Nathaniel (1.5). Born the youngest of six and raised in a farming family near Dunnville, Ontario, I grew up on outdoor adventures and with a love for learning. When I was twelve, we made the short move to the family farm in Attercliffe. After graduating high school at Guido de Brès, I headed off to the Engineering department of McMaster University on a path well-trodden by my three older brothers. But the Lord had another plan for me and strengthened in me the desire to go to seminary, and if it be his will, to serve in the ministry of the gospel. After a few years in Engineering, I changed course and graduated with a degree in Classics. Over the years I also had the chance to do all sorts of interesting summer jobs, like working at farmers’ markets, in a feed mill, in construction, and doing cedar roofing. I also started a small business for a few summers producing the steel frames of soccer nets.

Before I began seminary, the Lord brought a long-time friend back into my life. Marietta and I were classmates from 4th grade until the end of high school. In 2018, however, she moved with her family to southern Alberta. When our friendship was reignited a few years later, Marietta came back to Ontario. After dating for a while we were united in marriage in August of 2022. The next summer we welcomed our son Nathaniel into our life. What a joyful and contented boy he has been! We are also excited because God has blessed us with another covenant child, who is due this coming May.

Since I started seminary back in 2021, the years have flown by in a flurry of essays, lectures, sermon proposals, moving houses, internships, more essays, chapels, readings, etc. It has been a great time that we will never forget. The internships which I’ve been privileged to do have been a special highlight: I shadowed ‘The Rev.’ William den Hollander (sr.) for a couple of weeks. I had many good conversations with Rev. Marc Jagt during my summer-long preaching internship in Fergus North. I especially loved the time I could spend with Rev. Tim Schouten during a mission internship in Prince George. It was wonderful to see the Lord blessing that church with many new believers. I also had the opportunity to have a bit of an ‘unofficial’ internship in Coaldale during their time of vacancy. I really enjoyed the opportunity to preach the Word, visit the saints, and sit in council and consistory meetings.

Through the past four years and all that God has carried us through, he has worked much growth in my life. I thank him for my professors and fellow classmates who have been such an upbuilding influence on me. I’ve been thankful for the opportunity to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ over the past two years in many of the churches and to teach catechism classes in Grassie and Attercliffe. The Lord has confirmed in me the desire to serve him and his people in the ministry of his Word. I intend, therefore, to go before Classis Niagara for the preparatory exam this coming June. We thank and praise our loving Father for all his blessings in our lives. He is the one who has carried us this far and we place our trust in him and his plan for us going forward.