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Introducing Marc Vermeulen
Hello, brothers and sisters in Christ. It is an honour to be able to introduce ourselves to you! We are Marc and Hannah Vermeulen. We have been blessed with two wonderful children, Josiah (2yrs) and Matthias (8mos). It is humbling to be writing this bio, as a fourth-year student, looking ahead to graduation, and beyond that, to service in God’s church, if that is his will. Indeed, all praise and glory belong to him!
Allow me to share something of how God has providentially guided me and my family to this point. I was born in Albany, Australia, into a covenant family. I moved, or rather was moved, to Canada at five years old, when my Dad decided to pursue studies at the Seminary. Little did I know that I would one day follow in his footsteps. Having grown up largely in the Hamilton area, my Australian credentials are a bit rusty, and I have long since lost the cool Australian accent. Growing up in a big family was such a blessing, and I owe much to my parents’ care and instruction.
It was during these formative years that I met my now wife, Hannah. We attended the same Christian schools and were friends for much of that time. Hannah and I dated while we were studying at university. Hannah pursued teaching, while I studied classics and the biblical languages. During the summers, I worked on a local farm where I learned much about pressure washing, driving tractors, and of course, drinking coffee… good to have those transferable skills.
Hannah and I were married before the Lord and his people in June of 2021. She continues to be such a blessing to me, keeping me grounded and encouraging me to press on. She is truly a wonderful mother to Josiah and Matthias. I can say for certain that I would not be where I am today without her by my side.
Growing up as a minister’s kid, the thought of pastoral ministry was somewhere in the back of my mind, but I only started seriously considering it in my early university years. I decided to take the biblical languages to have that door open. I enjoyed studying the languages and continued to grow in my love for God and his Word. After prayerful consideration and receiving encouragement from those near to me, I enrolled at CRTS.
I began my studies at CRTS with much uncertainty - was I up to the task? Was pastoral ministry for me? But through the four years of study God has been so good to me and our family. He has strengthened my desire and conviction to study God’s Word and to proclaim it faithfully. God provided classmates who have encouraged and sharpened me along with a good dose of friendly ribbing. He has allowed me to sit under the teaching and mentorship of professors who have been a source of knowledge and wisdom. I am especially grateful for my mentor Dr. Smith, who consistently reminded me to fix my eyes upon God, trusting Him in all things.
I have also been richly blessed by the internships I could experience. I am indebted to Rev. Rolf den Hollander (Grimsby CanRC), Rev. Arend Witten (Baldivis FRCA), Rev. James Sinke (Woodstock URCNA), and Rev. Tim Schouten (Prince George CanRC mission work). In these internships, I was privileged to see God at work in his church across the world. I was blessed to learn from the wisdom of these godly mentors, to visit with members of Christ’s flock, to teach catechism classes, and to proclaim the glorious truths of his Word. All of these have been opportunities to grow, not only in my abilities but especially in dependence upon my heavenly Father.
Now, as we near the end of our time here at CRTS, we are looking forward to what God has in store for our family. I hope, by the grace of God, to present myself before classis at the end of June to become eligible for call. God has been faithful and will continue to be faithful. “Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him” (Jer 17:7).